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Configure ZeptoMail as a Novohit SMTP Server
To send automatic transactional emails, Novohit recommends using a transactional email provider such as ZeptoMail or Twilio (Sendgrid). This guide supports how to configure ZeptoMail as SMTP Server in Novohit. Novohit recommends ZeptoMail or Twilio ...
Test Environment Policy - SLA
Novohit has test environments that allow operating conditions similar to the current one to be replicated. These test environments can be used by our Support Staff to review cases or requests and test new features before implementing them. Sometimes ...
How to Make a Feature Request - SLA
Due to high demand on Electronic Accounting and Electronic Invoicing, our development staff will not be reviewing development requests until Feb. 2015. Feature Requests and Roadmap Policy We maintain an official policy document about this on this ...
Specifications on EMERGENCY Priority and Extra Charges
This document is referenced by Operative Support, Backups and Updates Service Agreement (SBU) Since help.novohit.com came live in 2012, we've upgraded our support Service Level Agreement and been able to reduce response times by 30%. In average, our ...
Universal Commercial Terms Novohit
DEFINITIONS NOVOHIT INTERNAL PLATFORM The concept "NOVOHIT INTERNAL PLATFORM" is defined as follows: the Novohit software platform or service with URL access, e.g. https://mycompany.novohit.com or https://mycompanynovohit.net, which must be submitted ...