Accounts Payable Reports

Accounts Payable Reports

This application generates reports related to Accounts Payable transactions, which can be viewed on screen, saved in PDF or exported to Excel.
To generate reports, you must perform the following actions:
 Go to Administration (Back Office) → Accounts Payable → Reports
 Select the report to be issued by clicking on the name.
 Choose the appropriate filters.
 Click on the Show button.

The reports that can be generated through Novohit are shown below:
Supplier Catalog - Summary
It shows the information of the suppliers, the fields used to filter the information are:
  1. Show: Indicate whether if suppliers are enabled, disabled or all suppliers.
  2. Market Segment: Select a specific one or all.

Supplier Catalog - Detail
It emits the information of the supplier contacts, the fields that are used to filter the information are:
  1. Show: Indicate whether if suppliers are enabled, disabled or all suppliers.
  2. Supplier: Select a specific supplier.
  3. Market Segment: Select specific or all.

Supplier Account Statement
Generates the transactions of the suppliers for a period in an account statement, the fields used to filter the information are:
  1. Date from: Indicates the start date. Leave blank to show all current invoices.
  2. Date to: Indicates the end date. Leave blank to show all current invoices.
  3. Period: Choose to consult transactions of the open month (current period) or those that have already been updated (historical).
  4. Report Format
    1. Normal: Displays the report in PDF format.
    2. Export: Displays the data without formatting.
  5. Supplier: Select a specific supplier or all suppliers.

Analysis of Aging Balance to Current Date
Displays the age of invoices by segment and supplier type to a given date for periods of 30, 60, 90 or +120 days. The fields used to filter the information are:

  1. Cut-off Date: Indicates what date the report is as of.
  2. Display Detailed List: Select whether to display the detailed list of invoices or only balances.
  3. Group by: Select by type of supplier or segments.
  4. Currency: Define the currency, the report will be by any or all currencies.

Analysis of Aging Balance to Predetermined
Shows the historical phases of the invoices by segments and types of suppliers to a given date, the fields used to filter the information are:
  1. Cut-off Date: Indicates what date the report is as of.
  2. Display Detailed List: indicate if a detailed list of invoices or only balances will be shown.
  3. Group by: Select by type of supplier or segments.
  4. Currency: Define the currency, the report will be for a specific currency or all of them.

Direct Transaction History
Generates a list of transactions for a given period, the fields used to filter the information are:
  1. Date From: indicates the start date.
  2. Date To: Indicates the end date.
  3. Supplier: Choose a specific supplier or all of them.
  4. Invoice Number: Enter the invoice number or leave blank for all.
  5. Document Number: Enter the document number or leave blank for all.

General Balance of Accounts Payable
Displays the transactions of suppliers at a given date, the fields used to filter the information are:
  1. Year and Month: Enter year and month (YYYYYMM).
  2. Sort by: Select whether to display suppliers alphabetically, by type or balance (descending order).
  3. Market Segment: Select by a supplier or specific segment.
  4. Currency: Define the currency, the report will be for a specific or all currencies.
  5. Show Zeros Balance Determine if all suppliers are shown or only those with transactions.

** When generating the report to Excel it is generated under the .xls option.  If you require the file size to be smaller, you should use the "Binary Excel Worksheet" format, which allows you to keep the characteristics of the Excel file, with approximately 10% of the size that is generated under the .xls option.

Once generated, proceed to "Save As" by choosing the .xlsb option as indicated in the image below.

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