| Description
Supplier Catalog - Summary
| It shows the information of the suppliers, the fields used to filter the information are:
- Show: Indicate whether if suppliers are enabled, disabled or all suppliers.
- Market Segment: Select a specific one or all.
Supplier Catalog - Detail
| It emits the information of the supplier contacts, the fields that are used to filter the information are:
- Show: Indicate whether if suppliers are enabled, disabled or all suppliers.
- Supplier: Select a specific supplier.
- Market Segment: Select specific or all.
Supplier Account Statement
| Generates the transactions of the suppliers for a period in an account statement, the fields used to filter the information are:
- Date from: Indicates the start date. Leave blank to show all current invoices.
- Date to: Indicates the end date. Leave blank to show all current invoices.
- Period: Choose to consult transactions of the open month (current period) or those that have already been updated (historical).
- Report Format
- Normal: Displays the report in PDF format.
- Export: Displays the data without formatting.
- Supplier: Select a specific supplier or all suppliers.
Analysis of Aging Balance to Current Date
| Displays the age of invoices by segment and supplier type to a given date for periods of 30, 60, 90 or +120 days. The fields used to filter the information are:
- Cut-off Date: Indicates what date the report is as of.
- Display Detailed List: Select whether to display the detailed list of invoices or only balances.
- Group by: Select by type of supplier or segments.
- Currency: Define the currency, the report will be by any or all currencies.
Analysis of Aging Balance to Predetermined | Shows the historical phases of the invoices by segments and types of suppliers to a given date, the fields used to filter the information are:
- Cut-off Date: Indicates what date the report is as of.
- Display Detailed List: indicate if a detailed list of invoices or only balances will be shown.
- Group by: Select by type of supplier or segments.
- Currency: Define the currency, the report will be for a specific currency or all of them.
Direct Transaction History
| Generates a list of transactions for a given period, the fields used to filter the information are:
- Date From: indicates the start date.
- Date To: Indicates the end date.
- Supplier: Choose a specific supplier or all of them.
- Invoice Number: Enter the invoice number or leave blank for all.
- Document Number: Enter the document number or leave blank for all.
General Balance of Accounts Payable
| Displays the transactions of suppliers at a given date, the fields used to filter the information are:
- Year and Month: Enter year and month (YYYYYMM).
- Sort by: Select whether to display suppliers alphabetically, by type or balance (descending order).
- Market Segment: Select by a supplier or specific segment.
- Currency: Define the currency, the report will be for a specific or all currencies.
- Show Zeros Balance Determine if all suppliers are shown or only those with transactions.