Accounts Receivable Reports

Accounts Receivable Reports

This application generates the reports related to Accounts Receivable transactions.
The reports can be viewed on screen, downloaded in PDF or Excel.
To generate the reports, perform the following actions:
Go to: Administration (Back Office) → Accounts Receivable → Reports.
Select the report to be issued by clicking on the report name.
Choose the appropriate filters.
Click on the Show button.
Below is a detail of the reports you can generate through this application:
Description (Report/Fields)
Customers Catalog - Summary
Displays customer information, the fields used to filter the information are:
  1. Show: Select if they are active, inactive or all.
  2. Segment: Select a specific one or all.
  3. Sub Segment: Select a specific one or all.
  4. Fiscal ID: Type specifically a client by its Fiscal ID (RUT Chile or RFC Mexico).
  5. Report Format: Select if it is normal or export format.

Customer Contacts - Details
Issues customer contact information. The fields used to filter the information are:
  1. Show: Select whether they are active, inactive or all.
  2. Customer: Select a specific customer.
  3. Fiscal ID: Select a specific customer by their Fiscal ID (RUT Chile or RFC Mexico).
  4. Segment: Select a specific segment or all segments.
  5. Sub Segment: Select a specific segment or all segments.
  6. Report Format: Select if it is normal or export format.

Transactions by Period
Generates the information of the transactions of a period, the fields used to filter the information are:
  1. Customer: Select a specific customer.
  2. Invoicing Status: Choose whether they are invoiced, not invoiced or all.
  3. Date From: Indicates the start date.
  4. Date To: Indicates the end date.
  5. Report Format: Select normal or for export when choosing to issue in excel.

Invoices Issued
Displays the list of invoices issued for a period, the fields used to filter the information are:
  1. Date From: indicates the start date.
  2. Date To: indicates the end date.
  3. Invoice Type: Select invoices or pre-invoices.
  4. Show Entries: Select whether to display accounting entries or not.

Invoice Transactions
It issues the information of the transactions for a period, the fields used to filter the information are:
  1. Date From: indicates the start date.
  2. Date To: indicates the end date.
  3. Document Type: select the type of document to be consulted.
  4. Group by: Select if you want to issue the report grouped by customer or by type of payment method.
  5. Report Format: Choose normal or for export when you want to issue excel.

Customer Accounts Statement
Generates customer transactions for a period in an account statement, the fields used to filter the information are:
  1. Date From: indicate the start date.
  2. Date To: indicate the end date.
  3. Customer: Select the client you wish to consult.
  4. Report Format: Select PDF or Excel.

Aging of Balances - Summary
Shows the age of the invoices by segments and customers at a given date, the fields used to filter the information are:
  1. Date: Indicates what date the report is as of.
  2. Level of Detail: Choose at segment or agency level.
  3. Business Unit: Define if you have branches if the report will be for a specific one or all of them.

Aging of Balances - Detail
It emits the age of the invoices in detail to a determined date, the fields used to filter the information are:
  1. Date: indicates the date of the report.
  2. Business Unit: define when you have branches if the report will be for a specific one or all of them.

Balance of Late Payments - by Segments or Agency
Generates the analysis of delinquent customers at a given date, the fields used to filter the information are:
  1. Date: Indicates what date the report is as of.
  2. Level of Detail: Indicate at the segment or agency level.

General Balance of Accounts Receivable
It shows the transactions of customers at a given date, grouped by segments. The fields used to filter the information are:
  1. Date: Indicates the date of the report.

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