Assignment of Electronic Tax Documents

Assignment of Electronic Tax Documents

In this application it is possible to search, download and assign the DTE Electronic Tax Documents to third parties.
Enter Administration (Back Office) → General Accounting → Fiscal Reports → Assignment of Electronic Tax Documents - DTE.
The initial screen will display two sections:
Search for Electronic Documents: performs the search for DTEs. 
Electronic Documents Issued: Displays the DTEs issued, displays the search results and performs the DTE assignment.

Search for Tax Documents

To search for ETAs for assignment or factoring to third parties, perform the following steps: 
Enter Administration (Back Office) → General Accounting → Fiscal Reports → Assignment of Electronic Tax Documents - DTE.
In the Electronic Document Search section, enter the information related to the DTE in the following fields: 
Field NameDescription
Guest Last NameCapture the guest's last name.
Invoiced to:Enter the RUT, without periods. Example 76123456-7
Type of DocumentSelect the type of DTE from the list or leave Select Value for all.
FolioEnter the folio number of the DTE.
Invoice NVHEnter the Novohit invoice number.
Date From Enter initial search date dd/mm/yyyy or select from the calendar. 
Date ToType search end date dd/mm/yyyy or select from the calendar. 
You can enter one or several fields, depending on the information entered will be the specific of the search. 
By the default the date is shown.
Press the Search button. The search result will be displayed in the Electronic Documents Issued section.

Assignment of Tax Documents

To make the assignment of the ETAs for assignment or factoring to third parties, perform the following steps: 
Enter Administration (Back Office) → General Accounting → Fiscal Reports → Assignment of Electronic Tax Documents - DTE.
In the Issued Electronic Documents section, in the Apply Assignment column, click on the Assign DTE button of the Electronic Tax Document to be assigned. 

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