Authorized Company Data Update -

Authorized Company Data Update -

If your company issues DTE with Novohit, you must update your company's data in the portal

Enter with the certificate or authorized credentials to make modifications at the company level.

Home > Online services > Electronic invoicing > Market invoicing system > Update authorized company data (*) > Update company data.

Name of Software: 
Mail Contact User-Administrator: 
Place an official company email address of the legal representative or delegate so that the SII can get in touch. This box must be confidential and accessible only by authorized personnel.

Mail Contact SII:
Place an official company email address. This is a mailbox to receive important notifications from the SII.

We suggest creating a virtual mailbox (alias or group-mail), for example:; instead of a real mailbox. Then you can place a redirection rule or filter to authorized persons in the company.

It is important that at least the comptroller's office or fiscal/finance/operations management receive these e-mails. In case you receive any notification that requires our attention, you can create a ticket by forwarding it to adding comments and relevant background information.
Mail Contact Companies:
Place an official mail of the company. This is a mailbox for them to receive copies of DTEs issued by their suppliers using the exchange scheme (deprecated method in 2017 but still used by many issuers). 

We suggest creating a virtual mailbox (alias or group-mail), example: or; instead of a real mailbox. 

Then you can place it with a redirection rule or filter to authorized persons in your company who manage accounts payable. 

Novohit has a feature called Control of DTE Received. If you need to use this option, then you must add another filter and redirect all the emails from the Mail Contact Companies box (example: or to a new box that we will indicate you by ticket.

You must confirm by ticket0 if you really need to use this functionality to activate this box.