Banking Operations

Banking Operations

This application performs the actions (registration, modification and elimination) of bank transaction or transactions as well as their search. The bank transaction or transactions are Deposits, Deposits Collection, Checks, Commissions, Commissions Tax, Interest in Favor, Debits to Account, Credits to Account, etc.
Go to Administration (Back Office) → Banking → Banking Operations.
The following sections are displayed on the home screen:
Search Banking Operation: a search is performed for the bank transactions of the open month and subsequent months, according to the filters entered. When the search for bank transactions is successful, the result is displayed in the Bank Transactions section, otherwise the message "No records" is displayed.
Banking Operations: all bank transactions entered are displayed, which can be sorted in ascending or descending order by: #Account, Transaction Type, Date, #Document, #Check, Amount, CXP, Beneficiary. It contains the Insert icon and the Edit icon.

Status of Banking Operations

Register: you can make modifications to bank transactions.
Printed: this status applies only to the "checks" transaction; once the check has been registered, it must be printed to allow updating. Once the check has been printed, it is no longer possible to make modifications to the check data or to the accounting entry.
Updated: through this procedure the transactions are updated and the balances of the Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and bank account balances will be affected. Once the transactions have been updated, it will no longer be possible to make any changes to the data, only the cancellation.
This application registers the information for tax reports: DIOT/ VAT and determination of applicable taxes in Mexico.

Search for Bank Operations 

To search for bank transaction or transactions already registered, follow the steps below:
Go to Administration (Back Office) → Banking → Banking Operations.
In the Search Banking Operation section, enter the following fields to filter the search:
# Account
Select the appropriate bank account.
Select the transaction you are recording, e.g. check, deposit.
Enter the date in dd/mm/yyyy format or select from the calendar.
# Document
Enter the document number of the operation.
Enter the amount of the operation or transaction.
Affect A/P
Click on the box to search for transactions related to transactions recorded in Accounts Payable.
Select the user who registered the transaction or transaction to search for.
Determine the status of the transaction or transaction to be searched for.
Enter the Year
Enter the month for which the search is performed.
Press the Search button.

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