CFDI Total Invoice version 3.3

CFDI Total Invoice version 3.3

An optimization was made in the Accounts Receivable application Folio Invoicing with the fields required for the CFDI Total Invoice version 3.3. The Total Invoice CFDI 3.3 has the following characteristics:
It is issued with Front Office or Point of Sales folios that are not invoiced, those sent as a form of credit payment to accounts receivable are not included.
The invoicing is for a period, it can be a day, a week, a month.
The RFC used is XAXX01010101000.
The default values used are:
Product/Service Code: 01010101=Does not exist in the catalog.
Unit of measure: ACT=Activity.
Use: P01=To be defined.
The steps to issue the Total Invoice is:
Enter Administration → Accounts Receivable → Register and Issue of Sales Invoice
In the Search Registered and/or Issued Receivable Documents section:
Enter the name of the customer that was assigned the RFC XAXX01010101000 in the Select Customer field. The customer must be previously defined and registered in the Customer Catalog.
Press the Search button.
In the Register and Issue of Receivable Documents section, enter the following fields:
Document Type
Select Document
The current date will be displayed, but it can be modified according to the month that is open in the module, up to 72 hours.
Payment Method
Press the check box to select Cash (PUE).
Press the "Manual" check box.
Type of CFDI Use
Select "To be defined".
Total Invoice
Select the module to be invoiced by clicking on:
Not Applicable: When a manual invoice will be made without being total.
Front Office: Use the folios of Front Office.
Points of Sales: Use the folios of the Points of Sales.
Generate Details
Enter the period for which the invoice will be issued:
From: Start Date.
To: End Date.
You can enter a comment regarding the invoice. It can be parameterized to be shown in the PDF file. 
Press the Add button.
In the Document XXXX section, click on the Generate Details button, showing the folios or accounts to be invoiced.
In case you do not need to invoice any folio, click on the Edit icon in the Document Detail XXXX section.
In the Document XXXX section, click on the Delete button.
If the invoice amount is correct, press the Generate CFD button. 
  1. The payment method is taken from the Payment Method field registered in the Customer Catalog.
  2. At the moment of clicking and generating the CFDI for SAT purposes it is in force.

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