Compare Quotes and Generate Purchase Order

Compare Quotes and Generate Purchase Order

This application allows you to compare the quotes of inventory already registered previously, obtaining a purchase order as a result of the
comparison made. To compare quotes and generate a purchase order, follow the steps below:
Enter Administration (Back Office) → Inventory Management→ Quotes and Purchases → Compare Quotes and Generate Purchase Order.
The initial screen will display the following sections:
Search Quotes Registered: allows you to search for quotes already registered.
Selection of Quotes for Comparison displays the registered quotes, allowing to show them according to the filters of Supplier,
Quote #, Date, Cost Center and Status selected in the search. This section is where the comparison of quotes is performed.

Search for Quotes

You can search for quotes already registered for comparison by performing the following steps:
In the Search Quotes Registered section, enter one, several or all of the following fields:
Select the supplier from the list box or all.
Cost Center
Choose a particular cost center or all of them.
# Quote
Number of the registered quotation.
Enter the day of the quotation in dd/mm/yyyy format or select the date from the calendar.
User Registered
Select a specific user or all users.
Press the Search button.
In the Selection of Quotes for Comparison section the quotes will be displayed or the message "No Records" will be displayed.

Comparison of Quotes

This tool allows you to compare up to 3 quotes from different suppliers already registered, by performing the following steps:
In the Selection of Quotes for Comparison section, click on the check box in the "Sel" column on the left side of the suppliers of the
quotes you wish to compare.
Click on the Compare Quotes button.
The Compare of Quotes Before Generating Purchase Order section will be displayed, highlighting in yellow the lowest unit costs.
You can modify the suggested quotes by clicking on the product price.
When you press the Return button, the selected prices are displayed in the original form.
To select the lowest cost prices, press the Automatic Selection of prices by lowest cost button.
Click on the Print icon to generate the price comparison document.
Once the products have been selected, click on the Preliminary View of purchase orders that are to be generated button, the
purchase orders to be generated will be displayed.
If you agree with the information presented, press the Generate Purchase Orders button, if you do not agree press the Return button.
If you selected to generate the purchase orders, the generated purchase orders will be displayed on the screen by clicking on the
purchase order number, the purchase order and the print, modify, authorize and update buttons will be displayed on the screen.

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