Consult CFDI Status in SAT

Consult CFDI Status in SAT

Consult Cancellations and/or Invoices Status in SAT

To consult cancellations and/or status of invoices in SAT (CFDI of Income) follow the steps below:
Enter Administration (Back Office) → General Accounting → Fiscal Reports → Consult CFDI Status in SAT
Two sections will be shown:
Search of Electronic Documents: search for cancellations made.
Electronic Documents Issued: shows cancelled documents.

Search of Cancellations 

The Search for Electronic Document section allows you to search for cancellations and queries made, for which you must enter the information in the following fields to filter the search:
Guest Last Name
Enter the last name of the host to which the CDFI is generated.
Tax ID
Enter the RFC to which the CFDI was issued.
Document Type
Use the multi-selector to select the type of document.
Select the status of the CFDI:
  1. Active
  2. Annulled
  3. All
Folio CFDI
CFDI invoice folio number.
Invoice NVH
Novohit invoice folio number.
Date From
Date of issue of the CFDI, enter in dd/mm/yyyy format the starting date of the search or press the calendar. By default, the current day is shown.
Date To
Date of issue of the CFDI, enter in dd/mm/yyyy format the date of the end of the search or press the calendar. By default, the current day is shown.
Press the Search button.

The results of the search will be reflected in the Electronic Documents Issued section.
The following fields are displayed in the Electronic Documents Issued section:
CFDI number.
Indicates whether the document is voided.
Type of document.
Displays the origin hotel.
Despliega el módulo donde fue emitido:
  1. RCP= Front
  2. POS=Point of Sale
  3. A/R=Accounts Receivable
Inv. NVH
Novohit internal number.
Fecha de emisión del CFDI.
Number of the originating operation:
  1. Front: Room or Folio of Various.
  2. Points of Sale: Account.
Customer name.
Invoiced To
Corporate name of CFDI.
Amount of the CFDI.
Displays the PDF and XML files of the CFDI, which can be downloaded.
Send Status
Displays the CFDI status.
Send Date
Date and time of consultation.
The CFDI view status is performed.


To perform the query, in the Electronic Documents Issued section, follow the steps below:
Search for the CFDI to view.
Select the CFDI you wish to consult by clicking on the checkbox in the Consult column.
Press the View button.
The result of the consult will be added in a new line, displaying the CFDI status in the Send Status column.

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