Copy Seasons HotelRSV

Copy Seasons HotelRSV

This option allows copying seasons (rates) between agencies and companies that have the same rate type, facilitating the registration, speeding up rate allocation and efficiently controlling rates by segments.
To copy seasons, select: Sales → Copy Seasons
The application will display four windows that should be used as follows:
Source Agency section: choose from the drop-down list the source agency or company that contains the season (rate) you want to copy from and click on the Select button.
Destination Agency section: choose from the drop-down list the destination agency or company to which you want to apply the same rate as above and click on the Select button.
Source Seasons section: will show the season(s) contained in the agency or company of the source selected in the first item, click on the check box (white box) located to the left of each season, this will indicate the rate to be copied. To copy click on the Copy button.
Destination Seasons section: will show the seasons (rates) that the agency or company selected in the second item. It will show the seasons (rates) that have or have been copied in the previous item.
With this you will have copied seasons and rates from one agency or company to another, you can verify this by going to Seasons and selecting the agency or company and checking that the seasons are correct.