Credit Notes of No Fiscal Documents Accounts Receivable - Chile

Credit Notes of No Fiscal Documents Accounts Receivable - Chile

Enter Administration → Accounts Receivable → Register and Issue of Sales Invoice
In Search Registered and/or Issued Receivables Document look for the Customer of the Non-Fiscal Document on which the Non-Fiscal Credit Note will be issued.

In the Register and Issue of Receivable Documents window Active Electronic Invoicing enter the corresponding information in these fields:

Select the industry assigned to the Non-Fiscal Document to which the credit note will be assigned.
Document TypeChoose from the documents.
1.Non-Fiscal Affected 
Credit Note Doc 
2. Non-Fiscal-Exempt Credit Note Doc
3.. Non-Fiscal Exportation Credit Note Doc 

Type of CFDI Use:
Define type of Credit Note:
  1. Annul: Void the selected Non-Fiscal Fiscal Doc.
  2. Correct Amount: Correct the amount to the selected Non-Fiscal Document.
Select Manual

Press the Add button.

In the Reference Document field, select the Non-Fiscal Document to be cancelled or correct the amount.

Click on the Save button. The information of the selected document will be displayed.

Correct Amount

To correct the amount: in the Document Detail window, click on the Edit icon to enter the amount of the Non-Tax Document to be corrected, in the Document Item window, modify the corresponding field and click on the Save button.

Pressing the Print button will generate the Non-Fiscal Document Credit Note.


To Annul: Click on the Print button to issue the Non-Fiscal Affected Document Credit Note.

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