Customers Catalog

Customers Catalog

In this application the general information that identifies the Customers is registered, performing the following actions: registration, modifications, deletion, deactivations and searches.
In Novohit:
It is accessed in: Administration (Back Office) → Accounts Receivable → Customers Catalog
In HotelRSV:
It is accessed at: Configuration → General → Clients
The initial screen shows the following sections:
Search of Customers: Allows you to search for already registered clients.
Customers Registered: shows the customers already registered and the result of the searches performed.

Search Customers

To perform the customer search, follow the steps below:
In the Search of Customers section, enter the information corresponding to the customer being searched for, in the following fields:
From the list of segments, select the one that belongs to the customer you are looking for.
Tax identification code, the way in which the company is distinguished from other taxpayers for the fulfillment of its tax duties.
The name of the company or name of the establishment that distinguishes it from others.
Corporate Name
Legally registered name for tax, legal, commercial, etc. purposes.
You can choose between the following statuses:
  1. Enable: It will display the clients that are active, these can have transactions in invoices, payments, credit notes, etc.
  2. Inactive: Displays the clients that have had transactions but are deactivated.
  3. All: Lists all the customers of the Accounts Receivable module.
Press the Search button.
The Customer Registered section will show the result of the search.
TIP: you can choose one or several filters, depending on the filters used will be the specificity of the search.

Register New Customers

To enter new client information, the following steps are performed:
Click the Insert icon in the Customer Registered section.
Enter the information corresponding to the customer in the Register of Customers window in the fields:
RFC (nnnnnnn-n) *
Tax identification code, the way in which the company is distinguished from other taxpayers for the fulfillment of its tax duties.
Define the type of Accounts Receivable to be registered: domestic customer, foreign customer, sundry debtors, etc.
Commercial Name*
The name of the company or name of the establishment that distinguishes it from others.
Corporate Name*
Legally registered name for tax, legal, commercial, etc. purposes.
Commercial Industry*
Legally registered activity for tax, legal, commercial, etc. purposes
Register Date*
Date of first operation with the client, beginning of the commercial relationship.
Place of residence or fiscal domicile of the company legally registered for legal, tax, commercial, etc. purposes.
Urban area where you have your residence.
State, province or county in which the company is established.
Country or region where the company is established.
Zip Code
Postal code or mailing address of the legally registered address.
Numbers with which contact is made via telephone on fixed or cellular devices.
E-mail address.
You must not leave blank spaces before or after the email.
You can register more than one email, separated by "," example:,
Do not leave blank spaces between emails.
Email Invoice?
When activated, by clicking on the check box, the electronic document (CFDI/DTE) generated from the Accounts Receivable module will be automatically sent by mail.
Web Address (URL)
Website address if available.
In case the customer is granted commercial credit, click on the check box. In case of cash payment, leave this field blank.
  1. Condition*: in case the customer is granted commercial credit, specify the term of the credit: days of credit.
  2. Limit Amount: Amount of credit granted.
Revision Days
The days on which the customer accepts or receives invoices for review and issues counter-receipts.
Form of Payment
(Mexico only) the form of payment is specified, e.g., "Cash, Credit, etc." When left blank it will appear as "Not Identified".
Payment Account
(Mexico only) captures the final 4 numbers of the payment account.
Account Currency
Select the currency in which the account receivable will be issued (Pesos Mex, CLP, USD) from those registered in the system.
Customer From
The date of the first commercial operation with the client is entered.
Customer To
The date of the last commercial operation with the client is entered.
Click on the check box to make the customer active (make invoices, transactions, etc.). By removing this option, the customer will not be displayed to perform any operation with his account.
Why Not Active
The reasons or causes for the termination of the business relationship are entered.
Customer comments are registered.
*Mandatory fields.
(Mexico only) information required in the issuance of the CFDI.

Press the Add button and it will display the following sections:
Define Taxes for...: which displays the taxes for the specific customer.
Defined Taxes for...: where you register and modify the taxes for the "client".
To register a tax for a customer the following steps are performed:
In the Define Taxes for... section press the inbox to select the tax that will be associated to the customer.
Press the Save button.
It is not allowed to duplicate the tax, if so, this Tax window will appear "The tax is already assigned".
To delete a tax already assigned to the customer, perform the following steps:
In the Taxes Defined of... section of.... click on the Edit icon of the tax to be deleted.
In the Define Taxes for... section click on the Delete button.
Click on the Save button.
Additionally, you can activate the Pos_Apply_Tax_Acr parameter, which takes the POS Taxes or the Accounts Receivable Customer Taxes associated to the POS account; if the POS account has no customer associated to it, it takes the taxes that correspond to the POS.

Modify Customer Information

The modifications of the information of the registered customers are made, carrying out the following steps:
Enter in: Administration (Back Office) → Accounts Receivable → Customers Catalog.
Click on the Edit icon of the customer to which the information changes will be made in the Customer Registered section.
Enter the new information in the corresponding fields.
Click the Save button.

Delete Customers

When the customer has not had any operation registered, it is allowed to cancel, delete or remove by performing the following steps:
Enter in: Administration (Back Office) → Accounts Receivable → Customers Catalog.
Click on the Edit icon of the customer to be removed from the database in the Customer Registered section.
Click on the Delete button.

Deactivate from Customers

When the customer has already registered operations, to protect the integrity of the data, it can only be deactivated by performing the following actions:
Find the client you wish to deactivate.
Click on the Edit icon of the client you wish to deactivate in the Customer Registered section.
In the Enable field, the check box will appear, indicating that the client is active. Press to deactivate it, when it is deactivated, you will not be able to make transactions to this client, however it will remain in the database.
Press the Save button.

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