DNS LAN Configuration on Workstations

DNS LAN Configuration on Workstations

These DNS configuration recommendations are to be applied to the workstations in the local network. For DNS settings of the active network equipment (e.g. Router) see: Router Settings - DNS - Open LAN Ports for Secure Local and Remote Access.

DNS of Work Terminals

All PCs must use the router's DNS (usually, depending on their network segment).

Do not use Google DNS, OpenDNS or any other external provider as they compromise the security and stability of the system.
Remember to check first with your network consultant what is the local DNS address of your router.

Configure DNS in Windows 10: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/change-tcp-ip-settings-bd0a07af-15f5-cd6a-363f-ca2b6f391ace#1TC=windows-10

Configure DNS on Mac OSX: http://rootear.com/os-x/cambiar-dns-mac

DNS Browser

Disable "Secure" DNS on Edge, Firefox, Chrome Browsers: It is necessary to disable Secure DNS options on browsers as traffic is redirected by the browser provider's servers. Follow this guide to turn off or disable Secure DNS at the Browser level:  https://techdocs.akamai.com/etp/docs/disable-doh-browsers

It is recommended that all computers on the network have a fixed IP assigned to them. In case your company has Novohit installed on-premises, they must be from the same server segment.

Check that there are no other VPNs

Verify that you do not use other VPNs that are provided by your browser plugins or security system services (Bitdefender, Symantec, Apple Relay)

When Finished: Flush DNS and Restart Windows

When finished, clean the Windows DNS with this command from the Command Prompt:
  1. > ipconfig /flushdns

Restart Windows.