Electronic Accounting Suppliers Catalog

Electronic Accounting Suppliers Catalog

For the integration of the Electronic Accounting the change made to this application was the entry of the Banks field.
It is necessary to register the bank account and bank information for each supplier. To register the above information, perform the following steps:
Go to: Administration → Accounts Payable → Supplier Catalog.
Search for the supplier in case it is not shown in the Suppliers Catalog section.
Click on the Edit icon of the supplier to which the information changes will be made in the Suppliers Catalog section.
Enter the new information in the following fields:
# Bank Account
Bank account number where deposits will be made to the supplier. Account with 20 digits.
Select from the list box the bank to which the bank account where the deposits will be made to the supplier belongs.
Press the Save button.

Register New Suppliers

To enter new suppliers' information, perform the following steps:
In the Suppliers Catalog section, click on the Edit icon.
Enter the information corresponding to the supplier in the Register of Suppliers section in the fields:
Segment *
Defines the type of Accounts Payable to which the supplier belongs: domestic, foreign, services, fees, etc.
It must be previously defined in the Accounts Payable parameters settings module.
Supplier Type *
Indicates the type of supplier (e.g., goods, services, food, etc.) to be used for statistical purposes.
Commercial Name *
The name of the company or name of the establishment that distinguishes it from others.
Corporate Name *
Legally registered name for tax, legal, commercial, etc. purposes.
Tax Code *
Tax identification code, the way in which the company is distinguished from other taxpayers for the fulfillment of its tax duties.
In Mexico it is RFC (Registro Fiscal del Contribuyente) and in Chile it is RUT (Registro Único Tributario).
Third Party DIOT Type
Select supplier type: Domestic, foreign or global, according to Diot (Mexico only)
Third Party Oper. DIOT Type 
Select the type of operation performed with the supplier: provision of services, leasing of real estate, others, according to Diot (Mexico only).
Official ID ... I
Official identification if required.
Official ID ... II
Official identification if required.
Supplier From
Legally registered activity for tax, legal, commercial, etc. purposes.
Operation *
Click on the check box to make the supplier active (make invoices, transactions etc). By unchecking this option, the supplier will not be displayed to perform any operation with your account.
Why NOT Activate *
The reasons or causes for the termination of the business relationship are entered.
Address *
Place of residence or fiscal domicile of the company legally registered for legal, tax, commercial, etc. purposes.
Credit Condition *
In case the supplier grants commercial credit, specify the term of the credit: days of credit.
Limit Amount *
Amount of credit granted.
Account Currency *
Invoicing currency of the supplier, if a supplier invoices in different currencies, suppliers must be opened by currency.
E-mail address to receive and send e-mails.
Address Web (URL)
Website address if available.
Address *
Place of residence or fiscal domicile of the company legally registered for legal, tax, commercial, etc. purposes.
City *
Urban area where you have your residence.
State/Province *
State, province or county in which the company is established.
Zip Code
Postal code or mailing address of the legally registered address.
Country *
Country or region where the company is established.
Numbers with which contact is made via telephone on fixed or cellular devices.
IVA Region
Specify when the supplier belongs to a different region than the company.
# Bank Account
Bank account number where deposits will be made to the supplier. Account with 20 digits (18 digits in Mexico).
Select from the list box the Bank to which the bank account where the deposits will be made to the supplier belongs.
Inventory Delivery Form
Indicate the form offered by the Supplier to deliver the goods.
Inventory Delivery Form Days Offered for Delivery
Maximum term offered by the Supplier for the delivery of the goods.
Prompt Payment Discount
In the event that the supplier grants a commercial discount for prompt payment, it will be entered:
  1. Amount: Discount amount.
  2. %: Discount percentage.
Late Payment Days
Conditions that are considered as late payment of the debt, will be entered:
  1. Days: Time limit after payment date, specify days.
  2. %: Percentage of interest to be paid for late payment.
Extra Judicial Collection Expenses
Amount that is fixed between the company and the supplier in case of overdue receivables, will be entered:
  1. Amount: Amount to be paid for delinquent debt.
  2. %: Percentage of collection expense.
Extra Charge
Amount fixed by an authority in case of judgment on overdue portfolio, will be entered:
  1. Amount: Defined amount to be paid.
  2. %: Defined percentage to be paid.
Comments regarding the supplier are captured.
Click on the Add button.
In the Supplier Specific Taxes section, select the taxes that apply to the supplier by clicking on the check box.
Click on the Save Taxes button.
In the Taxes NOT Applicable to Inventory section, select the taxes that do not apply to the supplier by clicking on the check box (Applies to additional taxes on goods in Chile).
Press the Save Exceptions button.

* These are required fields.
(Mexico only) Information required in the DIOT issuance and for the XML of the Electronic Accounting.

Search for Suppliers

To perform the suppliers search, perform the following steps:
Go to: Administration → Accounts Payable → Supplier Catalog.
Enter the information corresponding to the supplier you wish to search for in the Search for Suppliers section in the following fields:
Select the segment to which the supplier you wish to search for belongs.
Commercial Name
Denomination of the company or name of the establishment that distinguishes it from others.
Corporate Name
Legally registered name for tax, legal, commercial, etc. purposes.
Tax Code
Tax identification code, the way in which the company is distinguished from other taxpayers for the fulfillment of its tax duties. In Mexico it is RFC (Registro Fiscal del Contribuyente) and in Chile it is RUT (Registro Único Tributario).

Press the Search button.

You can choose one or several filters, depending on the filters used will be the specifics of the search.

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