Fiscal Reports - Mexico

Fiscal Reports - Mexico

In this application, reports are generated according to the guidelines issued by the tax authorities regarding Taxes and Electronic Accounting. The reports can be viewed on screen, saved in PDF, printed or generated as Excel or CVS (TXT) files. To issue the reports, perform the following steps:
Go to: Administration (Back Office) → General Accounting → Fiscal Reports.
Select the report you wish to issue by clicking on the report.
Select the appropriate filters.
Click on the Show button.
Below are the reports you can issue from Novohit:
Description (Report/Field)
Electronic Invoices Issued
Displays the list of electronic invoices issued in a period. The parameters used are:
  1. Date from: Enter the start date with format dd/mm/yyyy or select from the calendar.
  2. Date to: Enter the end date in dd/mm/yyyy format or select from the calendar.
  3. Status: By default, "All" is indicated, you can select:
    1. Current: Displays active invoices.
    2. Canceled: Displays canceled invoices.
  4. RFC: This report can be issued for a single RFC, by entering it in the inbox, or for all RFCs if the inbox is left blank.
Generates Foreign Exchange Transaction Report
Generates the monthly file of foreign exchange operations (capture of dollars in cash) that is sent to the CNB on a monthly basis. The steps for generating the file are shown below:
  1. In the Generate Monthly Foreign Exchange Transactions Report section, enter the information corresponding to the following fields:
    1. Month to be generated: enter the month (mm)
    2. Year to be generated: enter the year (yyyy)
  2. Press the Generate File button.
If you wish to generate a file again, you must first delete it by clicking on "X" of the file in the Already Generated Monthly Files section.
Tax Assessment Support Report
It shows the cash flow operations (income and expenses) for the determination of the flat tax and VAT for a given period. The parameters to be used are:
  1. Year and Month: Enter year and month (YYYYYMM).
  2. Optionally you can enter information from the following fields:
    1. Date: Enter the day of the period to verify with format dd/mm/yyyy or select from the calendar.
    2. Tax: Select a specific tax or all taxes.
    3. Destination of the resource: Select a specific one or all.
    4. Deductible: Select a specific one or all.
Tax Determination and DIOT File Generation Report
Displays the transactions related to creditable VAT for a given period. The parameters to be used are:
  1. Year and Month: Enter year and month (YYYYYMM).
  2. Detail or Summary: Select how the supplier movements will be presented.
    1. Summary: Displays information in summarized balances.
    2. Detail: Displays the information detailing all transactions by supplier.
  3. Supplier Invoices Status: Select which invoices will be shown in the report.
    1. Paid Invoices: all paid invoices for the selected month will be displayed. Paid Invoices: all paid invoices for the selected month will be displayed.
    2. Unpaid Invoices: all unpaid invoices for the selected month will be displayed. Not Paid: the unpaid invoices of the selected month will be displayed.
    3. All: all invoices for the selected month.
  4. Report Form: select how the report will be issued:
    1. Normal: displays the report in PDF format.
    2. For export: displays the data without format (excel).
    3. DIOT Export: generates DIOT file.
  5. Click to select in which format the PDF, Excel or CVS report is required.
Invoices paid but not collected have their posting date modified so that they are not shown in the report.

Generates Reports for the SAT s/RCFF- Art. 34

This application generates XML files according to the guidelines issued by the tax authorities:
Chart of Accounts
Trial Balance
Accounting Entries
XML files can be displayed on screen or saved in XML. To generate the reports, perform the following steps:
Enter Administration → General Accounting → Fiscal Reports → Generate Reports for SAT s/RCFF-Art.34.
In the section Generate Reports for the SAT, enter the information in the following fields according to the file you wish to issue:
Displays the company/enterprise.
Report Type
Select the file to be generated by clicking on the list box:
  1. Chart of Accounts.
  2. Normal Trial Balance.
  3. Complementary Trial Balance.
  4. Financial Statements.
Catalog Used for Balance
Select the catalog to be used by clicking on Novohit SAT.
Month to Generate *
Enter the month (MM).
Year to Generate *
Enter the year (YYYYY).
Complementary Balance Date
Enter the date in dd/mm/yyyy format or select from the calendar.
Press the Generate File button.
If you want to delete a file, press the "X" of the file in the Electronic Files already generated section.

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