Folios of Various and Divide Folios

Folios of Various and Divide Folios

Creation of Folios of Various

In the Account Management room account, go to the Folios window.
Click on the Folios of Various button.
A screen will open showing on the left side the Folios of the room and on the right side the data to create a new folio:

 In the Folio Information window:
Description: type the name of the folio, for example: Extras.
Notes: write a short description of the folio.
Invoice to: allows you to program the invoicing information for this folio separately from the room invoice.
Click on the Save button.
The folio will appear in the Room Folios list.
The Folio Concepts window will open:
 In this window you must select the items that can be charged in the folio.
 Note: It is common to leave room charges on the main folio and open a folio fo various which are normally paid directly by the guest and invoiced separately.
 You can open as many folios as you need and configure the concepts for each one.
       Finally click on Save Concepts.
      The above will be displayed as follows:

Divide Folios or Accounts

 This option will allow you to:
  1. Divide folios or accounts in amounts or percentages.
  2. Make transfers between folios of the same room.
  3. Make transfers between rooms.
  4. Make transfers to any folio within another room.
  5. Make transfers to other folios.
 To perform all these actions, you must click on the Divide Folios button:
 In the Account Management room account go to the Folios window.
Click on the Divide Folios button.
The Divide Folios window will open:
On one side you will have a list of the Folios of the Room and on the other side the information of the selected Folio.
Select the folio from which you want to Divide the charges by clicking on the Pencil icon.
The Folio Charges: window will appear at the bottom.
 % to be Moved: indicate the percentage you wish to move, you may write any percentage, this will apply to all the charges of that folio.
Amount to be Moved: in each of the charges you will have on the right side the column Amount to be Moved where you can put any amount you want to move.
If you wish to move an entire charge, select it from the left side in the check box.
 In yellow you will see a list of folios where you can move the desired percentage or amount, one option is to create a new folio.
To finish click on the Move Charges button and then on the button below Return.

Automatic Charges to Folios of Various

Folios of Various can be configured so that all future charges for a certain Concept or Concept Group are automatically inserted to a specific Folio of Various.
This is very useful because in this way it is not necessary for operators to know which folios should be used to charge the room.
For example: the following image shows how it can be configured for all F&B charges (past and future) that are charged to the CARMENERE room will automatically go to Folio "FOLIO OF VARIOUS CARMENERE-1":

So that all charges for these concepts will automatically go to that folio.
Example: when making a payment from a POS account with Payment Method ROOM, even if the Main Folio (the room itself) is selected, the charges corresponding to the F&B concepts will be automatically recorded in the FOLIO OF VARIOUS shown in the configuration image above. This can be seen in the animation below:

And you can see in the Folio of Various statements the automatically sent charges:

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