Generate Accounting Entry for Inventory Exits

Generate Accounting Entry of Inventory Departures

The accounting entries of the warehouse can be issued automatically. You must take into account that once the accounting entry has been generated; you will not be able to:
 Record any transactions with the date of the accounting entry.
 Modify the entry, in case of any error in it, you will have to correct it through a journal entry (Mexico) or a transfer (Chile).
The possible causes for not being able to make the accounting entry are:
Existence of entry are not updated.
The entry may have some error.
The accounting entry of the day is already generated. Duplicate accounting entries of the same day are not allowed.
 The date does not correspond to the month open or in process.
The Generation of Accounting Entry of Inventory Departures are made by warehouse, if you have more than one warehouse you must repeat the following steps for each warehouse.

Generate Accounting Entry of Inventory Departures

To generate the inventory departures accounting entry, perform the following steps:
Select the Warehouse in which the accounting entries will be issued by clicking on the box icon in the information section of the main screen.
Go to Administration (Back Office) → General Accounting → Generate Accounting Entry of Inventory Departures
In the Generate Accounting Entry of Inventory Departures section, enter the period (day) for which the journal entry will be issued.
Press the Generate button.
Press the Generate button (Day/Month/Year) to confirm the generation of the journal entry or the Back button to not make the journal entry or to modify the date on which the journal entry will be issued.
The Generate Accounting Entry of Inventory Departures section will show the date and amount of the two journal entries generated (Cost Center and Expense Department). You can enter the journal entry by clicking on the number of the generated journal entry.
Press the Back button to return to the Generate Accounting Entry of Inventory Departures section.
The accounting entries generated can be found in Administration (Back Office) → General Accounting → Register of Accounting Entries
It is important to remember that in this application only the Accounting Entry is issued, the capture of the details of the accounting entry is done with the links found in the Links of Modules and Accounting Account application and it is in the updating process when the corresponding accounts are affected.

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