Generates of Reports for SAT RCFF - Art 34

Generates of Reports for SAT RCFF - Art 34

This application generates XML files according to the guidelines issued by the tax authorities:
  1. Chart of Accounts
  2. Trial Balance
  3. Accounting Entries
XML files can be displayed on screen and/or saved in XML. To generate the reports, follow the steps below:
Enter Administration (Back Office) → General Accounting → Fiscal Reports → Generates Reports for SAT s/RCFF-Art.34.
In the section Generate SAT Reports, enter the information in the following fields:
Displays the company/enterprise.
Report Type
Select the file to be generated:
  1. Chart of Accounts
  2. Regular Trial Balance
  3. Complementary Trial Balance
  4. Accounting Entry
Catalog Used for Balance
Select the catalog to be used by clicking on:
  1. Novohit - SAT
The Novohit catalog is used to send the information to SAT.
Month to Generate *
Enter the year (YYYYY).
Year to Generate *
Enter the year (YYYYY). Enter the year (YYYYY).
Complementary Balance Date
Enter the date in dd/mm/yyyy format or select from the calendar.
Press the button Generate File.
If you want to delete a file, click on the X icon of the file in the Electronic Files Already Generated section.

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