Generates Text File for Bank Checks Issued

Generates Text File for Bank Checks Issued

Through this application, the transactions that are updated are exported to a .txt format file according to the Bank's Account Statement configuration format.
It is important to mention that the supplier's data must be updated.
To make this file, perform the following steps:
Go to Administration (Back Office) → Banking → Generates Text File for Bank Checks Issued
In the Search Checks to Export section, enter the information in the following fields:
# Account
Select the bank account from which the issued checks .txt file will be generated.
Indicate the operation from which the .txt file will be generated.
Date From * 
Enter the date in dd/mm/yyyy format or select from the calendar.
Date To * 
Enter the date in dd/mm/yyyy format or select from the calendar. 
Press the Generate Export File button.
 A window to open or save the .txt file will be displayed; select the action you want to perform and press the Ok button.

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