getInhouseGuests API Docs
API Documentation for guests in house.
Request Payload Description
Component | Value | Note |
URL | https://{NOVOHIT_BASE_URL}/api/index.php | Base URL to reach API endpoint |
Route | /novohit/rcp/getInhouseGuests
| If authentication valid, returns HTTP 200 with data payload. |
Method | GET | HTTP Method GET. |
Parameters | ?{param=value} | List of URL parameters in query string (name/value pairs). |
id_hotel | 4260 | Novohit Hotel ID Code. Required. |
token_auth | {SEC_TOKEN} | Unique token for authentication. Required. DO NOT SHARE. Sensitive information. |
format | xml | json | Format in which the response is preferred. Optional. Default: json
Request Example
The following example is a standard
curl call:
curl https://${NOVOHIT_BASE_URL}/api/index.php/novohit/rcp/getInhouseGuests?id_hotel=${NOVOHIT_HOTEL_ID}&token_auth=${YOUR_TOKEN_AUTH}&format=xml
Return Payload Description
The returned data will be only Guests In House who have not checked out.
| Tag
| Data Type
| Notes
Hotel ID
| id_hotel
| Integer
| Novohit ID Code
Customer Unique ID | id_customer | Integer | Novohit ID Code.
Warning, this code may vary over time if the property merges Guests data. We do not recommend using this ID as primary key. Instead use holistic combination of other fields (e.g. email, last name, name, nationality) as keys.
Guest First Name
| first_name
| String
Guest Last Name
| last_name
| String
Birthday | dt_birth | Integer | Always in YYYYMMDD format. Example:19990711 for July 11th 1999. |
| e_mail
| String
Guest’s Phone Number
| phone
| String
Language | lang | String | ISO 2-digit Code to identify guests preferred language. Example: pt for Portuguese |
Country | country_code | String | ISO 2-digit Code to identify guest's address. Example: US for USA |
Nationality | nationality | String | ISO 2-digit Code to identify guests identified nationality at check-in. Example: BR for Brasil
Guest Segment | guest_segment | String | Guest's Segment |
Guest Plan | guest_plan | String | Guest's Plan for this stay (usually associated to Food plan) |
Guest Category | guest_category | String | Guest's category for this stay |
Rate Type | rate_type | String | Guests rate type for this stay |
Agency (Channel) | agency | String | Agency, channel or company on which this guest made his reservation |
Room Name
| room_name
| String
Arrival Date / check-in
| dt_arrival
| Integer
| Always in YYYYMMDD format. Example:20251201 for December 1st 2025.
Departure Date / check-out
| dt_departure
| Integer
| Always in YYYYMMDD format. Example:20260115 for January 15th 2026.
Reservation Date | dt_rsv | Integer | Always in YYYYMMDD format. Example:20220510 for May 10th 2022.
| no_adults
| Integer
| Number of adults in this party for this stay
Children (Paying) | no_children_pay | Integer | Number of paying children in this party for this stay |
Children (non-paying) | no_children_free | Integer | Number of non-paying (free) children in this party for this stay |
Return Example
The following response is in XML format, as the request was made with format=xml:
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <response>
- <item key="0">
- <id_hotel>1055</id_hotel>
- <dt_arrival>20251122</dt_arrival>
- <dt_departure>20251126</dt_departure>
- <room_name>4055</room_name>
- <cd_rsv>ABC12</cd_rsv>
- <dt_rsv>20200510</dt_rsv>
- <id_customer>123456</id_customer>
- <last_name>APLESEED</last_name>
- <first_name>OSCAR</first_name>
- <dt_birth>19990509</dt_birth>
- <lang/>
- <nationality>AE</nationality>
- <e_mail>OSCAR.APPLESEED@EMAIL.COM</e_mail>
- <phone>+97190125552</phone>
- <country_code>AE</country_code>
- <promo_name/>
- <guest_segment>CORPORATE</guest_segment>
- <guest_plan>BEDANDBREAKFAST</guest_plan>
- <guest_category>BUSINESS</guest_category>
- <rate_type>SINGLE</rate_type>
- <no_adults>1</no_adults>
- <no_children_pay>0</no_children_pay>
- <no_children_free>0</no_children_free>
- <agency>TRAVELOCITY</agency>
- </item>
- <item key="1">
- <id_hotel>1055</id_hotel>
- <dt_arrival>20251122</dt_arrival>
- <dt_departure>20251230</dt_departure>
- <room_name>1812</room_name>
- <cd_rsv>CDE34</cd_rsv>
- <dt_rsv>20211210</dt_rsv>
- <id_customer>678954</id_customer>
- <last_name>MOREIRA</last_name>
- <first_name>ANDRESSA</first_name>
- <dt_birth>20020220</dt_birth>
- <lang>pt</lang>
- <nationality>BR</nationality>
- <e_mail/>
- <phone/>
- <country_code>US</country_code>
- <promo_name/>
- <guest_segment>TRAVELER</guest_segment>
- <guest_plan>FAMILYMEALS</guest_plan>
- <guest_category>TOUR</guest_category>
- <rate_type>QUAD</rate_type>
- <no_adults>2</no_adults>
- <no_children_pay>2</no_children_pay>
- <no_children_free>1</no_children_free>
- <agency>HOTELRSV</agency>
- </item>
- ...
- </response>
If you wish to obtain JSON, use &format=json on the GET request. Fields are named the same
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