Imports Third Party Accounting Entry

Imports Third Party Accounting Entry

This application performs the import of information coming from other systems (Payroll).
The initial screen shows the following sections:
Search for Accounting Entry File: allows you to import the file containing the accounting entry issued from other systems to Novohit.
Import Accounting Entry: Imports the accounting entry from the selected file.
To perform the process of importing the asset information contained in the accounting entry issued from other systems, perform the following steps:
Go to Administration (Back Office) → General Accounting → Import Third Party Accounting Entry
To upload the file, press the Browse... button. in the Browse for Accounting Entry File section, a window will be displayed from where you can select the .txt format file containing the information, press the Open button.
Once the file is selected, press the Upload File button.
In the Import Accounting Entry section, enter the following fields:
Accounting Entry File
Indicate the same name of the file you sent to Novohit, together with the name the extension .txt is added.
Select Format
Click on the check box to indicate the import process.
Origin from Own Catalog
By default it is shown selected.
When NOT selecting Own Catalog: the accounting accounts are taken from a temporary file of third party accounts that must be matched with the corresponding account in Novohit.
Branch id_c_branch
Select the business unit to which the information will be imported.
Displays Default when there are no business units.
Press the Process button.

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