| Description (Report/Field)
Inventory Catalog
| Displays product information, the fields used to filter the information are:
- Price Type: Choose between cost, sale or both.
- Show Stocks: Select with, without or all items.
- Show Products: Indicate if only the active products or all.
Taking Physical Inventory - Format.
| Format used for taking physical inventory, the fields used to filter the information are:
- Show Products: indicate whether only active products or all.
Valuation of Existence in Inventory.
| It issues the inventory value at the end of the month, the fields used to filter the information are:
- Year and Month: Capture with format yyyy/mm of the period to consult.
- Show Stock: Select between with stock or all products.
- Highlighted Cost: Enter the amount of the cost to be highlighted.
- Group by: Indicate how the products will be grouped: group, subgroup, both or none.
- Filter Cost: Select Yes or No to display only the products that exceed the amount entered in the "Highlight Cost" field.
- Report Format: Define the way the report is presented:
- Normal: Displays the text with rich formatting.
- Export: Displays the text without rich formatting.
Slow Moving Items
| Generates the information of the items with slow transaction of a period, the fields used to filter the information are:
- Date from: indicates the start date dd/mm/yyyy or click on the calendar.
- Date to: indicates the end date, dd/mm/yyyy or click on the calendar.
- Items Without: Select without transactions, receipts, issues or all.
- Show Stocks: Select between with stock or all products.
- Show Expirations: Determine if you want to show only the items that have expiration indicated or all.
- Highlight Cost: Enter the amount of the cost to be highlighted.
- Filter Cost: Select Yes or No to show only the products that exceed the amount entered in the "Highlight Cost" field.
Existence, Maximum, Minimum and Projections.
| Displays the maximum, minimum and projected stock of items for a period, the fields used to filter the information are:
- Date from: Indicates the start date, dd/mm/yyyy. Or click on the calendar.
- Date to: Indicates the end date dd/mm/yyyy. Or click on the calendar.
Incoming, Outgoing, Adjustments and Returns - Units.
| It issues the information of incoming, outgoing, adjustments and returns in units of the open period, you select how the report will be issued, PDF or Excel.
Accumulated Incoming and Outgoing - Cost
| It issues the information of incoming, outgoing, adjustments and returns in cost of the open period, you select how the PDF or Excel report will be issued.
Accumulated Incoming and Outgoing - Units and Cost
| It issues the information of accumulated incoming and outgoing in units and in cost for the open period, you select how the PDF or Excel report will be issued.
Accumulated Incoming and Outgoing - Cost
| It issues the information of accumulated incoming and outgoing in cost for the open period. Select how the report will be issued, PDF or Excel.
Adjustments to Products
| Displays the adjustments to the products of the open period. Select how the PDF or Excel report will be issued.
Printing of the Kardex
| Displays the transactions (incoming, outgoing, adjustments, etc.) of an item or group of items in a given period, the fields used to filter the information are:
- Date from: indicates the start date dd/mm/yyyy. Or click on the calendar.
- Date to: indicates the end date, dd/mm/yyyy. Or click on the calendar.
- Inventory Type: Select the type of inventory to be consulted.
- Group: Select a group of products or all.
- Subgroup: Define a subgroup or all.
- Group by: Indicate how the products will be grouped: group, subgroup, both or none.
- Product Name: Enter the name of the product for which the kardex will be issued or leave blank to select all.