When Check-In to a meeting room (or several meeting rooms), a new account is created in the Point of Sale (POS) Touch Cashier module. When this happens, the products linked (mapped) between the catalogs of the Spaces/Services/Equipment configurations and the POS Product Catalog are used; that is, the "Names" that are registered in the POS Product Catalog are used (while the prices are those selected at the time of rate selection).
As recommended at the time of configuration, it is likely that in the Point of Sale Product Catalog, the Spaces (and also the Equipment and Services) have a generic name, e.g., "SALON" or "EVENTS". For this reason, only the generic names will appear in the sales ticket of the Touch Screen, while in the Service Order (the PDF report of the Spaces module) there are all the details of each sold item.
In fact, you can corroborate that all the tickets printed from the POS will reflect each and every item in the Service Order, but probably with Generic names.
Finally, it should be noted that it is operationally advisable to Check-In the events only until you check-out because Check-in takes a "picture" of what is loaded in that event and sends it to the POS Touch Screen, and then "locks" the event, so that you cannot move schedules/rooms. An alternative is to use the "Synchronize" button, this button takes a current picture, sending to the POS all the products/equipment/services and rooms that have not been sent to the POS, but it does not "block" the status. The decision on how to use these options is operational and up to you.