Modify Accounting Document Date

Modify Accounting Document Date

In this application the Posting Date of the document is changed when the document has already been updated (status).
Modifications of information regarding the posting date in:
Mexico: used in the DIOT report to indicate the month actually collected.
Chile: used to be shown in the Purchase Ledger.
The initial screen shows the following sections:
SEARCH DEBTS Registered: a search is performed for debts registered with updated status for the period open in the accounting module, according to the fields entered, which are the search filters.
Modify Accounting Dates of Registered Debts: shows the registered debts with updated status. You can display the debts in this window in ascending and descending order by clicking on the columns Supplier, Document Type, Date, Status, Total, Balance and Posting (date).

Search Documents

To do the search of updated Documents do the following:
Go to Administration (Back Office) → Accounts Payable → Modify Accounting Document Date
In the SEARCH DEBTS Registered section enter the information in the following fields:

Commercial Name
Enter the commercial name of the supplier or click on the inbox and choose by selecting the name of the supplier.
Corporate Name
Enter the company name of the supplier or click on the inbox and choose by clicking on the supplier.
Document Date
Enter the day of issue of the document manually or click on the calendar.
Register Period
Enter the year and month of the document date, for example 202109 of the debt you wish to search for.
# Supl. Doc
Number of the debt being recorded. The field is alphanumeric and can contain up to 20 digits.
Enter the type of document or click on the inbox and select the type of document you are looking for.
# Check
Enter the number of the check with which the debt was paid.
Accounting Date
Enter the document posting day manually or click on the calendar.
Enter the period year and month of the posting date, for example 202109 of the debt you are looking for.
Document Total
Enter the total amount of the registered debt you wish to search for.
Press the Search button.
The search result will be displayed in the Modify Accounting Dates of Registered Debts section.

Modification of Accounting Date

Modifying the accounting date of the debt indicates the month in which it will be shown in the DIOT report.
To perform the modification of the accounting date, follow the steps below:
Go to Administration (Back Office) → Accounts Payable → Modify Accounting Document Date
In the Modify Accounting Dates of Registered Debts section the accounting field automatically shows the current accounting date, you enter manually or by clicking on the calendar the new date of the debt document you want to modify.
Press the Save button.

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