On-Premises Server vs Cloud Service - How, Why and When to choose local servers or migrate to the cloud

On-Premises Server vs Cloud Service - How, Why and When to choose local servers or migrate to the cloud

Novohit is a 3rd Generation ERP Suite, on a Web platform on a Linux architecture, PostgreSQL, PHP, Java, Actionscript and HTML5. Like any Web technology, it can be implemented on local servers (On Premises) or in the Cloud.

Here are the details about the Deployment modalities.

Local Server (On-Premises) 

The local server (On-Premises) has the following general Pros/Cons:


✅ Internal management of security schemes.
✅ Faster access speed especially in geographic locations that only have one Internet provider
✅ Partial continuity of operation even without internet (note: support, backups, e-invoicing and e-commerce require internet)
✅ Access from anywhere inside and outside the network for users (home office or access from other branches).
✅ Possibility to amortize server costs fiscally.


❌ 100% local security responsibility to be borne by the client.
❌ High initial investment in acquisition of server equipment. 
❌ Maintenance costs of the server's physical environment (air conditioning, security)

Please consider that a Server has a life time when it has a better performance after that time it is more prone to fail. See On-Premises Server Lifetime.

Why and When to Change Local On-Premises Server Equipment?

Any work equipment that is used on a daily basis: a telephone, a mattress, a staff car, or a work computer, has a useful life span due to usage. When the life span has passed, equipment tends to reduce its performance. A concrete example is when you change your cell phone, the new equipment is faster than the old one.

The Novohit server is no exception: it works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so the electronic components (processors, memories and circuit boards) are exposed to the heating of the equipment reducing its capacity and the mechanical components (hard disks and fans) have a continuous wear that will cause gradual failures until it stops completely. Changing the server is to avoid reaching this limit and you will also get more speed in the use of Novohit.

Cloud Alternative

Since 2012 our Cloud platform has been universally available to our clients and we are inviting them to consider migrating to the Cloud service.
What does it mean to look to the Cloud? That your entire local server infrastructure is migrated to Novohit's cloud on highly available, fast and secure servers.
This represents significant savings in server purchase and maintenance costs, maximizing your software investment.
Does it require constant internet? Yes, however, nowadays, having stable internet is no longer an inconvenience. In fact, our suggestion (see here) regardless of whether you have a local or cloud server is to contract 2 internet lines from independent providers and connect them to a "load balancer". This is a low-cost network device that automatically detects if one internet line fails, it automatically activates the second one as a backup. This investment is less than buying a new server. All the details about this simple and effective mechanism in this link.

Also remember that since electronic invoicing and accounting came into force, Internet is an almost essential means to operate any business; even more considering E-Commerce integrations or with Channel Manager and booking engines such as hotelRSV.

The Cloud has the following general Pros/Cons:


✅ Access security by Novohit.
✅ Physical maintenance management by Novohit, reducing fixed costs.
✅ Automatic renewal of SSL security certificates, domains and DNS.
✅ Partial continuity of operation even without internet.
✅ Access from anywhere inside and outside the network for users (home office or access from other branches).


❌ Requires constant good internet service or a backup internet line. This is quickly solved with a Load Balancer.


Our staff offers both options so that you can make an informed decision. 
Most of our clients can opt for the Cloud option without compromising stability, achieving less administrative and maintenance burden of local servers.
Novohit's reinstallation and migration costs for both cases can be sent to you upon request.

Our staff remains available for any clarification.
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