Partner Agencies HotelRSV
For the creation of a new Company/Agency, please create a ticket on with the following form.
In the form fill in the blank fields. There are mandatory fields that are the minimum required to make a registration; these are identified with an asterisk (*).
| Description
Agency or company* | Fill in the name of the Agency or Company. |
Fiscal ID*
| It is the RFC or RUT of the Agency or Company. |
Business Name
| Indicates the main activity of the Agency or Company (Wholesaler, Retailer, Laboratories, etc.). |
Rate Type* | Indicate if the rate to be applied for this Agency or Company is per room, per person or both (options will depend on the hotel's sales policy). |
Segment* | Indicates the segment to which the Agency or Company belongs (the segments shown will depend on those defined by the hotel and are configurable). |
Currency* | Specify the currency in which this Agency or Company pays (the different currencies will depend on those defined by the hotel). |
Country* | Indicates the nationality to which this Agency or Company belongs. |
Address | indicate the address of the Agency or Company, street, number, zip code, state or region, city, district or municipality. |
| Telephone number of the Agency or Company. |
Fax | Number to receive faxes from the Agency or Company. |
Email | Agency or Company e-mail address. |
| Indicate the electronic address (URL) of the Agency's or Company's website. |
Contact | Enter the names of the contacts in the Agency or Company. |
% Commission | Percentage of commission for the Agency or Company entered. |
* Mandatory Fields
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