Payment Method- Details

Payment Method - Details

If you wish to issue a report of payment methods received by the Points of Sale of your hotel you should go to: POS F&B and Retail (Food & Beverages) → Point of Sale → Payment Method - Details 
This menu option is found under Point of Sale → Payment Method - Details, when Recipe Costing is not activated.
A new section will open, and, on the screen, you will find the search fields under Define parameter Values for Report.

Point of Sale:
Select the Point of Sale to issue the Report.
Select the shift you wish to consult.
Select the name of the Point of Sale user you wish to consult.
Date From:
Indicate the starting date of payments or leave blank for payments from the current day.
Time From:
Indicate the start time or leave it blank.
Date To:
Indicate the end date of payments or leave blank for payments up to the current day.
Time To:
Indicate the end time or leave it blank.
Document format in which you want to generate the report.
Report Format
Select according to the file format to be generated
PDF= Normal
Excel=For export
Report search according to the selected data.


The report will be generated according to the search format with the following data:

Payment Method: all payment methods entered in the POS application will be broken down according to:
  1. Invoice: Tax document number issued to the account [Cl=DTE Mx=CFDI].
  2. Receipt: receipt number provided by the system.
  3. Account: Name under which the account was opened.
  4. Paid by: Cashier who received the account payment.
  5. Date: Date on which the account payment was generated.
  6. Time: Time when the bill payment was generated.
  7. Shift: Shift in which the bill payment was generated.
  8. Account Total: Total of the bill issued.
  9. Payment: How much was paid for this form of payment.
  10. Service/Tip: If tip was entered on the bill for this form of payment.
  11. Payment Total: Total payment of the bill plus tip.
  12. USD w/o Service: Amount in U.S. dollars not including service or gratuity.
  13. Payment Detail: Receipt entered by the cashier.
Payment Method Total:
  1. Receipts/Account: Total receipts/accounts issued by the form of payment.
  2. Payment: Total payment for the payment method.
  3. Tip: Total tip entered for the payment method.
  4. Payment Total: Total amount received for this form of payment.

At the end of the report, you will find Summary of Documents by Payment Method.
  1. Payment Method Total: Total amount by form of payment.
  2. #Receipts: Total receipts indicating number of Invoices [Cl=DTE Mx=CFDI] and not Invoiced.
  3. Payment: Total payment by payment method.
  4. Tip: Total tip entered in the form of payment.
  5. Payment Total: Total received for this form of payment.
Once the fields have been entered and according to the format in which the report was requested, the report will be issued with the information in real time.

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