Print Reservations

Print Reservations

This option allows you to obtain the information of a specific reservation; it is normally used to send by email an update of the changes made to a reservation.

It was mentioned earlier that when a room reservation is saved and there is an email in the guest's information, Novohit will automatically send an email confirmation of the reservation. Similarly, when a modification is made to the reservation the change is not sent automatically but can be sent by clicking the Send Email Confirmation button.

In addition, if it is necessary to print the reservation, you must use this option by going to: Front Office → Reservations → Print Reservations
On the screen you will see a section with one option:
Reservation: you must enter the code to the reservation you wish to print, without this data the reservation will not be located.
Click on the Show button.
If the reservation is not located, a blank document will be displayed.
If it does locate the reservation, it will display the document with the reservation information and reservation conditions.
The document can be displayed in PDF or XLS.
An example of a printout is shown below:

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