Product Transactions in Warehouses

Product Transactions in Warehouses

As a result of the management of warehouses and sub warehouses and the registration of the transactions of the products between them, for example, incoming, outgoing, adjustments, etc. In this application, product transactions between related warehouses are consulted.

The initial screen shows the following sections:
Search Product Transactions in Warehouse: the search for product transactions is performed, according to the information entered in the fields that are the search filters.
Product Transactions in Warehouse: Displays the information by transaction, incoming, outgoing, adjustments with date, type of transaction, description, #Doc, entry document cost, average cost, incoming, outgoing and balance. It has a link to the source document.

It is required to select the warehouse before performing the transaction query.
To perform the query, the following steps are performed:
Enter Administration (Back Office) → Inventory Management → Product Transactions in Warehouses
In the section Search Product Transactions in Warehouse, enter the following fields:
Enter the number of the document to be consulted.
# Internal document
Enter the number of the document you assigned in Novohit. This in cases of incoming or outgoing transfers.
Enter the number of the product line column.
Enter the transaction day dd/mm/yyyy or select from the calendar. It automatically displays the current system date.
Select the operation you wish to search for, e.g. purchase, warehouse dispatch, incoming or outgoing transfer, etc.
Press the Search button.
In the Product Transactions in Warehouses section, the information will be displayed according to the fields entered.

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