Purchase Order History

Purchase Order History

This application allows you to search for purchase orders of inventory from past periods, to do so follow the following steps:
Enter Administration (Back Office) → Inventory Management → Quotes and Purchasing → Purchase Order History.
The initial screen will show the following sections:
Search Purchase Orders History: allows you to search for purchase orders already registered.
Purchase Order History: displays the registered purchase orders, giving the possibility of displaying them according to the Supplier,
PO Date, Cost Center and Status filters. In addition, massive actions can be performed by executing the Print, Authorize, Update and Authorizations Pending buttons to the purchase orders.

Purchase Order Status

Unknown: it is associated with purchase orders that have the status "New" (only the purchase order header is registered).
On Hold: purchase orders with status register, authorized, updated that have not been assigned to any goods receipt.
Partial Receipt: indicates that they have unassigned products to an entry.
Receipt Complete: the purchase order was associated to an entry in its entirety.

Search Purchase Orders

You can search for purchase orders already registered by following the steps below:
Enter Administration (Back Office) → Inventory Management → Quotes and Purchasing → Purchase Order History.
In the Search Purchase Orders History section, enter one, several or all of the following fields:
Select the supplier from the list or select all.
Cost Center
Choose a particular cost center or all of them.
# Incoming Document
Enter the invoice number of the goods receipt.
Requested By
Enter the name or department that ordered the products.
Incoming Date
Enter the day of the goods receipt in dd/mm/yyyy format or select the date from the calendar.
Order Date
Enter the day of the purchase order in dd/mm/yyyy format or select the date from the calendar.
Period yyyymm
Select the search period year and month.
Press the Search button.

In the Purchase Orders History section, the purchase orders will be displayed or the message "No Records" will be displayed.
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