Register Bar Code

Register Bar Code

On the main screen, in the general information section of the system, press the Warehouse button.
In the Warehouse section, select the warehouse of the products to be modified by clicking on the warehouse shown in the drop-down list.
Press the Select button.
Go to: Administration → Inventory Management → Inventory Catalog.
In the Inventory Catalog section, press the Edit icon of the product to be modified.
Enter the Bar Code field.
Click the Save button.

Search Products

Go to: Administration → Inventory Management → Inventory Catalog.
In the Search Inventory Products section, enter the information corresponding to the Product being searched for in the following fields:
Inventory Type
Select to which type of inventory the product/item you wish to search for belongs.
Select in which group the product/item you are searching for is located.
Sub Group
Select the subgroup to which the product/item you are searching for belongs.
Name of the product/item to be searched.
Not Active
Select from the drop-down list by pressing that displays the products/items:
Enable: Those that are enabled.
Inactive: Those that are not active.
All: both active and inactive.
Press the Search button.
If the search was successful, the information will be displayed in the Catalog Inventory Products section and if it is negative, the message "No Records"
will appear.

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