Register Operations on Multiple Invoices

Register Operations on Multiple Invoices

This application allows you to register different transactions (checks, credit notes, debit notes, etc.) on multiple invoices and
different customers. In Novohit, in order for the transactions to be reflected in the account statement, it is necessary that the transactions
have the status of update, once updated it is not possible to modify or delete the transactions. 
The actions that can be performed are to register, modify and delete a transaction on multiple invoices.
The initial screen presents the following sections:
Search Transactions in Register: allows you to search for transactions already registered with register status.
Registered Operations on Multiple Invoices: Shows the transactions with register status.

Register Transaction on Multiple Invoice

To register a transaction on multiple invoices, follow the steps below:
Go to Administration (Back Office) → Accounts Receivable → Register Operations on Multiple Invoices
In the Registered Operations on Multiple Invoices section click the Insert icon.
In the Register Multiple Invoice Transactions section, enter the information for the following fields:
Select the type of transaction by clicking on the check box.
Enter the number of the document being entered.
The current date will appear, but it can be modified (it allows capturing within the open period any day, but the policy of that A/R day is not generated).
Enter the amount of the transaction.
Select the currency of the transaction.
Register comments related to the transaction being loaded.
Click on the Add Trans button.
In the Search of Customer Invoices section, enter the following fields:
Select Customer
You can select a specific customer (by typing or selecting the customer's name) or all of them.
Issue Date
Search period From (start date) To (end date).
Specific document number you wish to search for.
Document Type
Select the type of document you wish to search for.
Click on the Search button.
In the Invoices Issued section, perform the following actions:
Click on the check box to select the invoices that will have a transaction applied to them.
Modify the amount of the transaction applied to the selected invoice if necessary.
Once the invoice selection is completed and the total amount of the transaction has been applied, press the Save Selection button.
Once the transaction has been completed and reviewed, press the Update button.

Modify a Transaction on Multiple Invoices

To modify a previously registered transaction, perform the following steps:
Go to Administration (Back Office) → Accounts Receivable → Register Operations on Multiple Invoices
In the Registered Operations on Multiple Invoices section, click on the transaction number you want to modify in the Transaction column.
The sections will be displayed, Register Multiple Invoices Transaction, where you can modify the information of the following fields:
Select the type of transaction by clicking on the inbox.
Number of the document being entered.
The current date will appear, but it can be modified (it allows entering within the open period any day, but the policy of that A/R day is not generated).
Enter the amount of the transaction.
Select the currency.
Press the Save Trans. button.
In the Search of Customer Invoices section, you can modify the following fields:
Select Customer: You can choose a specific customer (by typing or selecting the customer's name) or all of them.
Issue Date: Search period From (start date) To (end date).
Invoice: Specific document number to search for.
Document Type: select from the inbox the document to search for.
Click on the Search button.
In the Invoices Issued section, make the modifications of:
Invoices: click on the check box to select new invoices to which the transaction will be applied or to deselect previously selected invoices.
Modify the amount of the transaction applied to the selected invoice if necessary.
Once the invoice selection has been completed and the total amount of the transaction has been applied, press the Save Selection button.

Delete a Transaction on Multiple Invoices

To delete a transaction on an invoice, perform the following steps:
Go to Administration (Back Office) → Accounts Receivable → Register Operations on Multiple Invoices
In the Registered Operations on Multiple Invoices section, in the Transaction column, click on the document number you want to cancel.
In the Register Multiple Invoice Transaction section, click on the Delete Transaction button.
Confirm the action by clicking on the Ok button or the Cancel button to cancel the action. 
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