Replaces Registered Waybill with Electronic Purchase Invoice

Replaces Registered Waybill with Electronic Purchase Invoice

In this application the Waybills are replaced by the Electronic Purchase Invoice.
The professional criterion of who will replace the Waybill with the Electronic Purchase Invoice is considered since it has the physical elements of information verification.
The search and assignment of the Electronic Purchase Invoice is made for the inventory registered with the Waybill for having more than one detail or product.
The initial screen shows the following windows:
Search Remission Registered to Replace with CFDI: a search is made for the updated Waybill and Electronic Purchase Invoice to be replaced, according to the selected criteria.
Replaced Remission Registered with CFDI: the Waybill is selected by the Electronic Purchase Invoice to be replaced.
Only a Waybill must be replaced with an Electronic Purchase Invoice.
It is important to consider that when registering entries of merchandise by means of a Waybill, the accounting entry is made to the Inventory vs. Suppliers accounts.
When registering the DTE, the automatic accounting entries of the Suppliers and Taxes account must be cancelled. This avoids double entries in accounting.

Search for Waybill to be Replaced by Electronic Purchase Invoice

To execute the search for the updated documents, both Waybill and the Electronic Purchase Invoice, perform the following steps:
Go to; Administration (Back Office) → Accounts Payable → Replaced Remission Registered with CFDI
In the section Search Remission Registered to Replace with CFDI enter the corresponding fields to perform the search:
Commerical Name
The name of the company or name of the establishment being sought.
Corporate Name
Legally registered name for tax, legal, commercial, etc. purposes.
Document Date From
Enter dd/mm/yyyy of the debt or start date of the search. You can also click on the calendar.
Document Date To
Enter dd/mm/yyyy of the debt or end date of the search. Also, you can click on the calendar.
Period yyyymm
Enter the year and month.
# Suppl. Doc.
Number of the Waybill/Remission Note/ DTE document to be searched.
Document Total
Enter the amount of the document.
Press the Search button.
In the Replaced Remission Registered with CFDI section, the result of the search to replace will be displayed.

Replaces Waybill with Electronic Purchase Invoice

To replace updated Waybill with Electronic Purchase Invoice the following steps are performed:
Go to: Administration (Back Office) → Accounts Payable → Replaced Remission Registered with CFDI
Search by supplier in the section Search Remission Registered to Replace with CFDI.
In the Replaced Remission Registered with CFDI section select by clicking on the Remittance to Replace column the corresponding Waybill(s) and Electronic Purchase Invoice.
Click on the Update button.
Repeat the previous steps to associate each Waybill to be replaced with the Electronic Purchase Invoice.
In the Accounts Payable module, the debt to issue the DTE Electronic Invoice Purchases


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