Report | Observations |
Reservation Report | This report shows information on past and future bookings, as well as the combination of different parameters: -Reservation #: used to locate a specific reservation, if left blank it will show all reservations.-Arrival date from: Arrival date of the reservation you want to consult, if you leave it blank it will take the current day. -Arrival date to: indicates the arrival date to where you want to search. -Holder Last Name: indicates the last name of the owner of the reservation, you can leave it blank. -Agency: indicate the agency or company you wish to consult or leave it blank. -Country: Select the nationality to consult. -Guest Caategory: indicate the type of guest category (VIP, Grand Reward, etc.). -User: you can have the report by user. -Format: it can be in detail or in summary. -By default the reports will be shown in PDF, but you can download it in xls. |
Reservation Source Statistics NEW! | Statistics of the devices used to book through hotelRSV: -List of devices from which hotelRSV is accessed (without or with conversions-bookings). -List of operating systems from which hotelRSV is accessed (without or with conversions-bookings). -Statistics of the devices used to book through hotelRSV. -Lead Source. ![]() Lead = External conversion channel that produced the sale. It can be Tripadvisor, Facebook, Google Site Links, Bing Site Links. -Statistics of the devices used to book through hotelRSV. -Availability queries by Operating System/Browser. -Use of Social Networks. -Statistics of the devices used to book through hotelRSV. -Conversions - ROI - Relationship between availability queries and reservations. -Summary and list of reservations. |
Guest History | This report shows the Historical information of the registered Guests: -Arrival Date From: Indicate the initial Stay date or leave blank to query from the beginning. -Arrival date to: Indicate the date of stay to which you wish to consult or leave blank to consult until the end. -Last name: indicate the last name of the owner, you can leave it blank. -Agency: indicate the agency or company you wish to consult or leave it blank. -Nationality: indicate the nationality of the guest you wish to consult. -Guest Type: the search can be done by type of guest (courtesy, home use, group, etc.). -Guest Category: indicate the type of guest category (VIP, Grand Reward, etc.). -Presentation: can be in detail or summary. -By default the reports will be shown in PDF, but you can download them in XLS. |
Agencies/Companies Forecast | This report shows the future reservations made by the agencies or companies. -Date: Indicates the date where the report will start, you can leave it blank to start on the current day, it will list 31 days from the selected date. -Agency: You can specify an agency or company or leave it blank. |
Detailed Agency Production | This report shows the reservations made by agencies or companies. -Year and Month: Indicates year and month to generate the report. -Agency: You can specify an agency or company or leave it blank. |
Consult Clients | You will be able to view guest data. |