Reports of Reception

Reports of Reception

To view the reception reports, select: Front Office → Reception → Reports.

Registered Guests
This report will show all guests at home as of the current date. You can combine the following parameters as required to make the query more detailed.
  1. Date: Indicate the date you wish to consult or leave blank to consult the registered guests of the current day.
  2. Arrival Date: Indicate the arrival date you wish to consult or leave blank for all dates.
  3. Departure Date: Indicate the departure date of the rooms you wish to consult or leave blank for all dates.
  4. Last name: Indicate the last name of the guest or leave blank.
  5. Agency: Select the agency or company of interest.
  6. Group: Select the name of the group to consult.
  7. Guest Type: Indicate the type of guest to consult.
  8. Guest Category: Indicate the category of service you wish to see in the report.
  9. Plan: Indicate the type of plan to consult.
  10. Order: Indicate the field by which you want to sort the report.
  11. Country: Select the country of the guest to consult.
  12. Vehicle: Indicate if the guest has a vehicle ID.
  13. Show Companions: Indicate if the guest shows companions.
Room Check In and Check Out Report
This report will show the inputs or outputs, it will have the following parameters:
  1. Date: Indicate the date to consult check-in or check-out.
  2. Type: Select if you want to consult the rooms with check-in or check-out for the selected date.
  3. Group: Select the group name.
  4. Order: Indicate the field by which you want to sort the report.
Bracelet Transactions
This report will show bracelet movements by dates and codes, room, status, guest name, attending receptionist and comments. It presents the following parameters.
  1. Date From / To: Indicate the date from which you wish to consult or leave blank for the current day.
  2. Bracelet Code From: Indicate the code to look up or leave blank for all.
  3. Bracelet Code To: Indicate the cuff code to which you want to look up or leave it blank for all.
  4. Type: Select the type of bracelet to search for.
  5. Bracelet Status: Select the status of the bracelets you want to search, Not Used to show the inventory or All to show used and not used.
Report of Plans According to Occupancy Forecast
This report allows to obtain an occupancy and forecast report per a date defined by the user, this report will also generate a graph showing the occupancy percentage and another graph with the average rate, both graphs will show each day of the range of dates specified.
The Occupancy and Forecast report include the rates in Dollars converted to Pesos according to the exchange rate of the day the report is issued. The number of rates includes room and package rentals.
Changes of Room
This report will show room changes indicating the room of origin and the new room assigned, the guest's name, date of arrival, date of change, time of change and the user who made the change.
Room Status Report
This report will show the status of each of the rooms in order to compare with the housekeeper's status, you can pull it by date and by floor or area.
Print Register Date.
This option is not a parameter as such; however, it is where you can print the registration form of the reservations to arrive, it has four search parameters:
  1. Reservation #: enter the reservation key to search for.
  2. Arrival Date From: you can search in the reservations of an arrival date, in this field enter the start date of the arrival search.
  3. Arrival Date To: in this field enter the end date of the arrival range.
  4. Agency: select the agency to which the passenger belongs.
This report (adapted to Mexico) shows information on nights, persons and persons per night of domestic and foreign tourism.
Transactions of Registration Files
Displays the transactions of the registration file by dates and/or codes. It presents the following parameters:
  1. Date From: Select the start date which you wish to consult or leave blank for all.
  2. Date To: Enter the end date you wish to consult or leave blank for all dates.
  3. Code From: Enter the code to look up or leave blank for all.
  4. Code To: Enter the code up to which you wish to consult or leave it blank for all.

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