Status of Folio Consumption Reports to the SII (Chile)

Status of Folio Consumption Reports to the SII (Chile)

In this application you can:
  1. Review status of Folio Consumption Reports to SII
  2. Send pending reports
    1.  Files not sent to the SII
    2. Files sent but not received by SII
To do so, you must go to: Administration (Back Office) → General Accounting → Fiscal Reports → Status of SII Folio Consumption Reports.

You will find two sections:
Search/Send Folio Consumption Reports: Performs the search for processed files, the sending and resending of files.
Report of consumption of folios sent to the SII: Displays the files generated and their sending status.

In the Search/Send Folio Consumption Reports section you will find the fields:
Date To
Select the start date of the search.
Date From
Select the end date of the search.
Button to perform the search, according to the established date parameters.
Send reports to the SII
Button to send the selected reports once the search has been performed.
Forward report?
Press checkbox to activate it when resending unsent reports.

View Report Status

In the Search/Send Folio Consumption Reports section you must enter the start date and end date of the search.
Press the Search button.

The results will be shown in the section Consumption Report of the invoice folios sent to the SII.

This section consists of 4 columns:
Report Date: Indicates the day, month, year and file number.
Report Sent: xml file with the folio consumption information. Pressing the file downloads, it.
Sent Status: Shows the status of the reports sent.
Check indicates that the report was sent successfully.
Warning indicates that the report is pending submission.
Sent Data: Displays date, time and user of shipment.

Send Pending Reports

If the pending report is not shown in the section Report of consumption of invoice folios sent to the SII, it is advisable to perform a search by entering in Start Date and Exit Date, the date of the report that was not found.
If it is not shown, it indicates that it was not sent. To be sent, perform the following actions.
Enter the Date From and Date To fields with the day of the file to be sent.
Press the Send Report to SII button.

The report will be generated and sent showing in the section Report of consumption of folios of tickets sent to the SII with the successful or unsuccessful shipment.

Re-Send Pending Reports

If you locate a report pending submission, i.e. the Status column shows  Warning, resubmission of the report is required.
To do this, perform a search by entering in Start Date and Departure Date, the date of the unsent report. Press the Search button.
In this way, only the report that has not been sent will appear in the Consumption Report section of the invoice folios sent to the SII.
Once this procedure has been carried out, you must check the box Resend report? and then press the Send report to SII button. Automatically, the report status will be updated, showing on the final screen the file with the unsuccessful and the successful submission.

To avoid a mismatch in the information registered in Novohit and the SII should NOT issue credit notes after 12:00 am.

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