Supplier Contacts

Supplier Contacts

This application registers the information of multiple contacts that allow to have a personalized treatment with the suppliers, making the registration, modifications, cancellations and/or deactivations and searches.

Go to Administration (Back Office) → Accounts Payable → Suppliers Contact

The initial screen displays the following sections:
  1. Additional Contacts of Suppliers: displays contacts of already registered customers.
  2. Search for Additional Contacts of Suppliers: allows you to search for contacts.

Add New Contacts

New suppliers contact information is entered by performing the following steps: 
Click on the Insert icon in the Additional Contacts of Suppliers section.
In the Register Additional Contacts of Suppliers section, enter the corresponding customer information in the fields:
Supplier Code *
The name of the company or code of the establishment that distinguishes it from others.
Allows you to view the entire catalog of accounts payable suppliers, previously registered.
Name *
Person who serves as the contact person for the account payable.
Last Name *
Last name of the person who serves as the contact person for the account receivable.
Administrative division of the company to which the contact belongs.
Position held in the company by the account receivable contact.
E-mail address to receive and send e-mails.
Telephones *
Numbers with which contact is made via telephone on fixed or cellular devices.
Place where you have your residence or where the contact is established.
City *
Urban area where you have your residence.
State/Province *
State, province or county in which the company is established.
Zip Code
Postal code or mailing address of the legally registered address. 
Country *
Country or Region where the customer's contact is established.
Remarks concerning the contact, e.g. vacation period, additional information, etc.
* Mandatory fields are required.
Press the Add button or the Ignore button to ignore the information entered, thus clearing the fields and returning to the beginning of the register.

Contact Modification

Modifications are made to the supplier contact information entered by performing the following steps:
In the Additional Contacts of Suppliers section, click on the Edit icon of the supplier contact whose information will be changed.
Enter the new information in the corresponding fields.
Click on the Save button or on the Ignore button to ignore the information entered, thus clearing the fields and returning to the beginning of the register.

Delete Contacts

When the supplier's contact has not had any operation registered, it can be deleted by performing the following steps:
In the Additional Contacts of Suppliers section, click on the Edit icon of the supplier contact you wish to delete.
Press the Delete button.
The Additional Contacts of Suppliers section will be displayed in which you can:
Click the Insert icon to add a new supplier contact.
Click on the Ignore button to return to the initial Supplier Contacts screen. 

Search for Contacts

The following steps are performed to search for supplier contacts:
Enter the information corresponding to the supplier being searched for in the Search for Additional Contacts of Suppliers section of the following fields: 
Select the segment from those displayed to which the customer you wish to search for belongs.
Name Supplier 
The name of the company or name of the establishment.  
Name Contact 
Name of the account payable contact.
Administrative division of the company to which the contact belongs.
Press the Search button.
By entering any of the above-mentioned data, a specific search for the account payable contact will be performed. You can choose more than one filter, depending on the filters used will be the specificity of the search.

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