View Historical Debts and Transactions

View Historical Debts and Transactions

View Historical Debts and Transactions for Months Close

At the end of the month, the debts and transactions with zero balance will be shown in the debt history.
To consult the debts and transactions of closed months, perform the following steps:
Go to Administration (Back Office) → Accounts Payable → View Historical Debts and Transactions
In the section SEARCH DEBTS in CLOSED MONTHS register the following fields:
Commercial Name
The name of the company or name of the establishment that distinguishes it from others.
Corporate Name
Legally registered name for tax, legal, commercial, etc. purposes.
Document Date
Enter the registration day of the document to be searched for. You can also use the calendar to determine the date.
Period yyyymm
Enter the year and month in which the debt you are looking for was recorded.
# Suppl. Doc.
Enter the number of the document to be searched.
Document Total
Enter the amount of the document to be searched for.
Select the type of inbox document.
# Payment Document
Enter the check number of the check that paid the debt you are looking for.
The more data you enter, the more specific the search will be. Press the Search button.
The results of the search would appear in the section DEBTS Registered in CLOSED MONTHS, if the data entered is not met, the message "No records" will be displayed in the section.
Click on the Edit icon to consult or print the debt and the corresponding payment.

Printing the History of Debts and Transactions

You can print the debt and transaction of closed months by performing the following steps:
Go to Administration (Back Office) → Accounts Payable → View Historical Debts and Transactions
Press the Print button in the section DEBTS Registered in CLOSED MONTHS, it allows you to print the header and accounting entry of the debt history by entering the following fields: 
Date From
Indicate the start date or select from the calendar.
Date To
Indicate the end date or select from the calendar.
Select a specific supplier or all of them.
Invoice No.
Enter the invoice number or leave blank for all invoices.
Document No.
Enter in document number or leave blank for all.
Select whether the report will be output as a PDF or Excel file by clicking on the required file type.
Press the Show button.

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