View Kardex

View Kardex

It is the accounting record of the transactions of the products in the warehouse, such as incoming, outgoing, adjustments, etc.
In this application the Kardex of a certain product is consulted either in the open month or history (by period of months).
The initial screen shows the following sections:
View Kardex: The product/item search is performed, according to the fields entered which are the search filters.
Product Information: Shows the general information of the product.
Transaction Detail: Displays information by operation, incoming, outgoing, adjustments with date, type of operation, description, #Doc, Cost Doc. Entry, average cost, incoming, departure and balance. It has the link to the Source Document.
To issue the Kardex, perform the following steps:
Go to: Administration (Back Office) → Inventory Management → View Kardex
In the View Kardex window, enter the following fields:
Select the type of inventory to which the product for which the Kardex will be consulted belongs.
Enter the name of the product for which the Kardex will be consulted.
Click on the check box to consult movements of closed months.
Open Month
This field is automatically selected and allows you to display the movements of the open month.
This field is enabled when the historical field is selected. It is entered with 4 digits "yyyy".
This field is enabled when the Historical field is selected. It is entered to 2 digits "mm" of the initial month.
Month To
This field is enabled when the Historical field is selected. It is entered with 2 digits "mm" until the end of the month.
Press the Select button.
The Product Information section will be displayed with the identification data of the selected product and the Transaction Detail section with the updated transactions such as entries, outgoing, adjustments, etc.
You can print the Kardex of a product, by groups or all in Administration (Back Office) → Inventory Management → Inventory Reports → Printing of the Kardex

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