View Transactions of Past Months

View Transactions of Past Months

To consult the operations of closed months (deposits, checks, etc.), follow the steps below:
Go to: Administration (Back Office) → Banking → View Transactions of Past Months
In the Search Bank Transaction section, enter the following fields:
# Account
Select the bank account you wish to consult.
Select a specific operation or all of them.
Enter the registration day of the operation. You can also select the date from the calendar.
# Document
Number of the operation you wish to consult.
Name of the beneficiary of the operation to be consulted.
Enter the amount of the transaction.
Affects A/P
Define whether or not it is linked to Accounts Payable.
Select the period to consult.
Select the user who registered the operation.
Define the status of the operation to be consulted.
Press the Search button.

The results of the search will appear in the Banking Operations from Previous Months section. If there are no records, the message "No Records" will be displayed.

Click on the Edit icon to view or print the transaction in the View Previous Months Banking Transactions section by pressing the Print Receipt button.

Print Transactions from Previous Months

Go to: Administration (Back Office)→ Accounts Payable → View Historical Debts and Transactions
From the section DEBTS Registered in CLOSED MONTHS you can print the transactions by performing the following steps:
Click on the Print button in the section DEBTS Registered in CLOSED MONTHS.
In the Direct Transactions Log section, enter the information for the following fields:
Date From
Enter start date or select from the calendar.
Date To
Enter start date or select from the calendar.
Select the supplier you wish to query or select "All" for the report to display all suppliers.
Invoice #
Indicate the invoice number or leave blank for all invoices.
Document #
Enter the number of the document you wish to consult or leave blank to display all of them.
Select whether to output the file in PDF or Excel.
Press the Show button.
Press the Back button to return to the initial screen of the application.

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