Web Browser Palemoon for Novohit POS or SPACES

Web Browser Palemoon for Novohit POS or SPACES

As of Nov 1, 2020 Novohit has released its own browser version for Novohit POS or SPACES with Windows. It replaces Firefox ESR or any other browser used for POS or Novohit SPACES.
For now it is only necessary to install Palemoon for SPACES on Windows or Firefox ESR on Mac OS X (Catalina) with Intel Chip.

Browser Installation Instructions for Novohit POS and SPACES on Windows

SPACES may not be compatible with Windows 11. We are working on a version compatible with Windows 11.

1: Download Palemoon from our CDN

2: Extract the Zip File in the Downloads Folder

Make sure you extract the Zip in the Downloads Folder, do not create a new directory:

3: Drag the Palemoon Directory into the Proper Program Files Directory

Frequent Situations in Windows

These instructions apply for all clients using POS or SPACES, regardless of whether it is Touch or not.

If after installing in Program Files in Windows 10, you get an error message when running that Palemoon is already running, consider this to be an operating system permissions issue. This depends on your particular OS configuration.

Additional Considerations for Windows

  1. Remember that this browser is self-executing (portable), so it does not require an installation process. Wherever you decide to place the directory, make sure you do not delete it.
  2. Where you decide to place the directory, make sure it is not deleted.
  3. That users use only this browser and not Firefox for POS, so if you have destined a PC for POS, you can uninstall Firefox and Flash Player as well.

Installation for Mac OSX with Firefox ESR

SPACES is not compatible with Mac OS 11 or higher and Apple M Chip. We are working on a version compatible with these devices.

  1. Firefox for Mac OS in US English: 
    1. Option 1: Download from Mozilla.org
    2. Option 2: Download from downloads.novohit.com
  2. Firefox for Mac OS in Spanish (Mexico):
    1. Option 1: Download from Mozilla.org
    2. Option 2: Download from downloads.novohit.com
  3. Firefox for Mac OS in Spanish (Chile): 
    1. Option 1: Download from Mozilla.org
    2. Option 2: Download from downloads.novohit.com
Disable automatic updates following this guide: http://mzl.la/1DFDuS2  
Install these two versions of Flash:
  1. Flash (Firefox): https://nvh-support-cdn.fra1.digitaloceanspaces.com/pwb/flashplayer_32_0_0_238_plugin_debug.dmg
  2. Pepper Flash (Chromium - Advanced): https://nvh-support-cdn.fra1.digitaloceanspaces.com/pwb/flashplayer_32_0_0_238_ppapi_debug.dmg  
Disconnect from Internet (Turn off Wifi or Ethernet)
Install both packages
Indicate that you do not want to update Flash in Mac Z System Preferences    → Flash → Updates → Never.
Connect to the Internet

Test in Firefox ESR.

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