Register of Authorized Folios - Control of Authorized Folios (CHILE, DTE) FAQ
What happens if I need to change the "Folio from" number in a series that already has used folios? Modifying the "Folio from" number in a series with used folios disrupts the sequence and could exclude already used folios. Instead of modifying, ...
DTE Exempt Boletas Type 41, When are they issued?
Exempt Electronic Boletas (DTE type 41) are automatically assigned in Novohit when you have selected to issue an Affect Electronic Boleta (DTE type 39) but the system detects that the selected account does not have IVA charges, e.g. an account only ...
Authorized Company Data Update - sii.cl
If your company issues DTE with Novohit, you must update your company's data in the portal www.sii.cl. Enter www.sii.cl with the certificate or authorized credentials to make modifications at the company level. Home > Online services > Electronic ...
Native CFDi Cancellation
Novohit allows you to cancel CFDi by automatically performing the relevant verification processes from the three modules from which Fiscal Documents are issued: Front Office, POS and Accounts Receivable. The native cancellation of CFDi in Novohit ...
einv.novohit.com: Self-Service Platform for Searching and Downloading Electronic Boletas (Chile) - CL
einv.novohit.com is a self-service web platform oriented to the final public for viewing and downloading electronic receipts, complying with the requirements of the SII. The electronic receipts are generated in the Novohit servers of origin of each ...
Secure Storage and Access of Electronic Tax Documents, Invoices and, Receipts in the Cloud
In order to comply with the requirements that the tax authority of each country requires in storage and access of CFDi for at least 5 years* and DTE for 6 years**, Novohit® offers the EINV Cloud module for electronic, secure and encrypted storage of ...