PMS Front Office FAQ
Types of Transactions for Deposits in Reservations
When a deposit is applied to a reservation for the first time, the Deposit transaction type is available, which is used to enter the amount of the deposit payment for the stay. The Refund transaction type is automatically available when there is ...
Status Management and Pre-Assignment of Rooms
Novohit manages the availability management based on room types and the pre-assignment of the specific room number to be used in the reservation is an optional activity that can be performed by the reception area or whoever is authorized to do so. ...
Create a Companion in a Reservation that has not Checked In
To create a companion in a reservation that has not checked in, you must go to a reservation that has already been created: Front Office → Reservations → Room Reservations, Search for the reservation to which you will add the guest. Once inside the ...
Print Registration Card
If you want to print the Registration Card of a guest who added more than one guest to a reservation, and you want to verify that it was associated in reservation you should go to: Front Office → Reception → Reports → Print Registration Card Place ...
Modification of Guest information - Front Office
To Modify Guest Information not yet Registered Front Office → Reservations → Room Reservation Choose the reservation you want to modify: In the name is the option guest by typing it will open the modification screen, and you will be able to modify ...
Guest Source Statistics
The database reflects what the users entered at the time of making the Reservations or when registering a Guest (the computer has no way of knowing what the real source of a guest is unless it is not indicated by a user). 1. When making a ...
Extension of Stays
It is allowed to extend stays of rooms in this option: Front Office → Reception → Modify Registration and selecting the new departure date in the Departure field. Only if the stay is extended, the system will verify that there is availability for the ...
Company Logos in Novohit Invoices, Reports and hotelRSV Login
Novohit allows you to customize the portal with your company's branding by setting your official brand logos in the app. To update logos, please visit this guide: ...
Calculation of VAT in Chile and Situations that may Arise from Incorrect Transactions
Novohit® Chile only generates VAT charges in operations performed by users. We explain the procedure for the calculation of VAT and some situations that may arise due to incorrect operations: 1.- The VAT of the charges of an account are generated ...
Sending Reservation Confirmation Emails
It is possible to configure Novohit to automatically send a room reservation notification to the guest. The confirmation may not be sent immediately or sent X days before the guest arrival date. By default, Novohit sends reservations immediately when ...
Transactional eMail Templates in Novohit Twig
To modify the confirmation email templates, you can: request Twig files (which is a variant of HTML) which is free of charge. you can request the changes to the Novohit design staff, subject to additional cost according to our SLA from 1 Base Cost ...
Bulk Update: Edit Rates, Restrictions and Conditions Massively
Novohit allows you to massively modify the following conditions of a season: Rates Restrictions LOS CLOSE To make these modifications, see the following manual:
HKPMobile - Real Time Housekeeper Room Status Management
Sample image, HKP Mobile runs on any Wi-Fi device and requires NO cellular or data plan. With HKPMobile by Novohit® you can automate the Housekeeper's operational work by updating room statuses without complicated interfaces with telephone switches ...
TSW Reservations
As of 2021 TSW reservations are automatically processed in the 4 AM to 6 AM time window (Local time). If you require a different schedule, please submit a Ticket. From 2021 onwards it is no longer required to restart TSW interfaces as they are ...