Control of Closed Nights HotelRSV

Control of Closed Nights HotelRSV

The Close Nights Control allows you to block the sale of one or more Room Types for a specific date range.
If you need to close nights by agency, currency or rate type, see Seasons.

The block will be reflected in all the channels you operate. In the case of your hotel, it will close nights on:
-Facebook App
-TripAdvisor (TripConnect)
-Mobile App


To close nights, you must select:
            Sales → Control of Closed Nights

Filter Close Nights

At the top is the Filter Close Nights section. Use this section to determine dates and room types to close or open. The parameters are:
-Month From.
-# of Months (from Month From).
-Room Type:
. - you can select one.
. - several rooms (by pressing the Control (ctl) or Command (cmd) key and clicking on more than one room type).
. - or the "All the Types" to close all rooms or select the type of room you want to close.
Selection of multiple rooms:
To select more than one room, press the Control (ctl) key on Windows or Command on Mac on your keyboard while selecting all items in the list.

Close by Selecting Individual Dates Checkboxes

Select the rooms from the list in the previous section.
In the Close or Open by Date Range section, select with the checkboxes of all the nights you want to apply to the change:
 Full box: will close on the day corresponding to the box.
Empty box: will open the day corresponding to the box.
Press Save.
If you need other dates, use the Filter Close Nights section to select another month and year and click Search.

Close or Open by Date Range

To close rooms within a range, you must:
Select one or more room types in the Filter Close Nights section. If you wish to close the entire hotel, select ** All the Types ** at the top of the Room Type list.
Select a date range in the Close or Open by Date Range section using the From and To fields.
Click on Close.
You will notice that in the last section of the Closed Nights by Room Type summary, the room types you have selected appear. The check box will be checked in case of closing or unchecked in case of opening.
Users with Novohit
In case you have Novohit® you must perform the closing in both systems and use the Seasons Sync.

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