Frequent Customer Management

Frequent Customer Management

Before managing the Frequent Customer Management, you must perform the following configurations:
Customer Level Types
Benefits Offered by the Hotel

Customer Level Types

To perform this configuration, you must go to: Configurations → Front Office Configuration → Frequent Customer → Customer Level Types
In the first section, Frequent Customer Levels you can create Customer Level Types.


  1. This is the name assigned to the Frequent Customer Level, e.g. Gold, Silver, Bronze.
  2. You can create as many levels as necessary.

  1. Sequential order of Customer Level Types when displayed in any application.
  2. Must be numeric. It is suggested not to be continuous: e.g., 1, 3, 6, 9.
Save Button
Save the new record.
New Button
Closes the current displayed record without saving changes, leaving the form clean to start a new record.

The Levels Defined section shows a list of all the Frequent Customer Levels created.

Edit a Frequent Customer Level

To edit Levels Defined, you must select the Pencil icon, and it will be displayed in the Frequent Customer Levels section.
Modify the form according to the following information.


  1. This is the name assigned to the Frequent Customer Level, e.g., Gold, Silver, Bronze.
  2. You can create as many levels as necessary.

  1. Sequential order of Customer Level Types when displayed in any application.
  2. Must be numeric. It is suggested not to be continuous: e.g., 1, 3, 6, 9.
Update Button
Saves the changes made to the record.
Delete Button
Deletes the open record.
New Button
Closes the currently displayed record without saving changes, leaving the form clean to start a new record.

Define Benefits Offered by the Hotel

To create the benefits offered by the hotel to its frequent customers for the levels created in the previous step, you must go to: Configurations → Front Office Configuration → Frequent Customer → Benefits Offered by the Hotel.

In the first section called Define Benefits for Frequent Customers, you must create the benefits for each Frequent Customer Level registered in the previous point:

Select from the drop-down list the Customer Level for which you will create a new benefit.
Type the name of the benefit to be created.
Points Required
Indicate the number of points required to obtain this benefit.
Save Button
This button saves the new Profit.
New Button
This button closes the currently displayed record without saving changes, leaving the form clean to start a new record.

Edit Benefits Offered by the Hotel

To edit a Benefit, you must select the Pencil icon, and it will be displayed in the Define Benefits for Frequent Customers section.
Modify the form according to the following information.

Select from the drop-down list the Customer Level for which you will create a new benefit.
Type the name of the benefit to be created.
Points Required
Indicate the number of points required to obtain this benefit.
Update Button
This button saves the changes made to the record.
Delete Button
This button deletes the open record.
New Button
This button Closes the currently displayed record without saving changes, leaving the form clear to start a new record.

Create New Frequent Customers

In this module you can keep track of customers who are registered in the frequent customer program (Catalog of Frequent Customer), to create a new frequent customer go to: Front Office → Sales → Frequent Customer Management → Catalog of Frequent Customers

When entering the module, three sections will be displayed:
  1. Search of Customers: use this search section to filter by the available fields in the form.
  2. Frequent Customers: displays the list of all customers registered in the frequent customer program.
  3. Frequent Customer: this is where frequent customers are created, edited or deactivated.

In the Frequent Customer section:
Step 1: Click on the Guest button, this will take you to perform the search in the customer history to select the new Frequent Customer.
Step 2: Select the Level that will be assigned to this new customer.
Step 3: Select, from the drop-down list, the Agency or Company that this new Frequent Customer will be associated with.
Step 4: Select the Enable checkbox.
Step 5: Enter the registration date of the new Frequent Customer.
Step 6: Click on the Save button.
Only guests who have stayed at least once at the Hotel can be frequent customers.

Modify a Frequent Customer

Select the frequent customer from the Frequent Customers section by clicking on the Pencil icon.
The modifications that can be made are:
Assign another person by clicking on the Guest button and selecting other person.
Change the level to which the frequent customer belongs.
Associate it to another agency or company.
Deactivate it, this is equivalent to removing it from the frequent customer program.
When finished editing click on the Update button to save the changes or click on the New button to ignore the changes made and close the record.

Benefit Certification Management

To make queries of the benefits accrued by frequent customer or generate a Benefit certificate you must log in: Front Office → Sales → Frequent Customers Management → Benefit Certification Management
In this screen you will find three sections:
  1. Search of Certificates: in this section you can search for Certificates using the fields available in the form.
  2. Benefit Certificates: shows the list of Benefit Certificates by Frequent Customer.
  3. Generation of Certificate: in this section new Benefit Certificates are generated.

Generate New Benefit Certificate

In the Generation of Certificate section:

Select the Frequent Customer from the drop-down list.
Select the Benefit to be generated, you will only be able to select the benefits that correspond to the Client Level.
You can add notes to the assigned benefit.
Indicate the expiration date of the benefit.
The status of the benefit will be displayed. 
  1. Registered: Creation of a certificate to frequent customer.
  2. Issued: Certificate is printed (file downloaded) - At this stage, points are deducted from the guest's account
  3. Used: Certificate is registered to guest's account at check in
  4. Cancelled: Certificate is cancelled - If the certificate is annulled, the points are returned to the guest's account.
The date, time and name of the user making the registration will be automatically recorded.
Update Button
This button Saves the changes made to the record.
Cancel Button
This button cancels the benefit and closes the record.
Print Button
This button displays the Profit in PDF format so that it can be printed.
New Button
This button closes the record without saving the changes made and clears the form to create a new Benefit.

Modify a Benefit Certificate

In the Benefit Certificates section select a customer.
The benefit will be displayed in the Generation of Certificate section.
Modify the data form.

Frequent Customer Points Account Statement

To consult the Frequent Customer Points Account Statement, you must go to: Front Office → Sales → Frequent Customer Management → Frequent Customer Points Account Statement

Four sections will be shown:
  1. Account Transaction: this is the section where the transactions of the use of the benefit certificates will be registered.
  2. Account Detail: will show all the benefits of the selected frequent customers.
  3. Search of Customers: this section allows you to search for frequent customers.
  4. Frequent Customers: list of frequent customers.

Selecting a Frequent Customer will activate the Account Transaction section where you can manually enter points to the guest:

Date on which the manual points are issued.
Number of Points that will be assigned to the guest.
Description for which points are awarded.
Reserve number to which you are associating the manual points.
Registration number associated in the statement at the time of check out of the guest.
Invoice number associated in the statement of account at the time of check out of the guest.
POS Folio 
Point of Sale Folio.
Save Button
Record the manual points as entered in the previous fields.
New Button
Closes the record without saving the changes made and clears the form to create a new record.

Considerations on Frequent Customer and Accumulation of Points

  1. In the registration data of a room there is a field where you can enter the certificates that the guest wants to use, when entering them in that field, the system verifies if the certificates are valid and changes the status to Issued so that they can no longer be used again.
  2. A frequent guest is generated from the guest history, therefore, only those guests who have stayed at least once at the Hotel can be frequent guests.
  3. Points can be accumulated in many ways, according to the Loyalty Program in place by the Hotel, for example, for every $ in consumption upon checkout is accumulated towards your benefits.
  4. The benefits available to a customer are those associated with their level and any other benefit associated with a customer level of lesser or equal importance.
  5. A certificate lowers the points available to a customer from the time it is issued, regardless of whether it is subsequently used or not.
  6. If the certificate is cancelled, the points are replenished on the customer's points statement.
  7. A certificate can be used by any guest, even if he/she is not the owner of the certificate, and even if he/she is not a frequent customer.
  8. To be able to use a certificate it must be valid, the client to whom the Certificate belongs must be Active and the benefit must not have been deleted.
  9. In the case of packages, the total amount of the package is accumulated (not broken down), regardless of whether the components accumulate points or not.
  10. In the same way, all the tax generated by a package that accumulates is accrued.
  11. The components of a package that are unbundled are evaluated independently of the package to verify if they accrue.

Points are accumulated during the Night Audit, certificates that expire during the day are also checked and their status is updated. Points are also accumulated in the accounts of frequent customers who checked out during the day and who are not using benefit certificates.
The accumulation of Points for Consumption refers to the charges of the account (Registration) in the hotel, each Invoicing Concept can be enabled to accumulate points or not.
In the case of POS, only accounts charged to the Guest's account (Register) can accrue as long as the POS Invoicing Concept at Reception is enabled to add points.

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