Through this application it is possible to import, delete and display to the server the XML files of the DTE of the invoices received from third parties, allowing to generate and send the Acknowledgement of Receipt to the suppliers.
The initial screen shows the following sections:
Select Files: allows the import of electronic documents (XML DTE) from the computer or workstation to the Novohit system.
Import to Respond to Electronic Documents Received from Suppliers: the imported electronic documents (XML DTE) are displayed, allowing to build the response, delete or view.
When the XML DTE reply has already been made but not sent to the supplier, it can be consulted and sent in Control of DTE Received.
Import DTE XML Files
To execute the process of importing the information from the XML DTE file from third parties, perform the following steps:
Go to: Administration (Back Office) → General Accounting → Fiscal Reports → Receipt of External DTE.
To import the XML DTE file to the Novohit server can be done:
Calling the XML DTE file(s) through the directory:
Press the Add Files button in the Select Files section, displaying a computer window where the XML file or folder containing the third-party DTE information will be selected. Only files with XML extension can be imported.
Click on the file(s) to be imported into Novohit, press the Open button.
Dragging the XML DTE file(s):
Select the file(s) to import into Novohit, and drag them to the Select Files window under "Drag Files here". Only files with XML extension can be imported.
Once the files are displayed in the Select Files section:
To import, click the Start Upload button importing them to the Novohit server, or
Click the Delete button in the Select Files section displayed to the right of the XML file to be deleted.
In the section Import to Respond to Electronic Documents Received from Suppliers, the imported XML DTEs will be displayed.
Generate and Send Acknowledgement of DTE Receipts of XML to Third Parties
To execute the process of generating and sending the Acknowledgement of Receipt of the XML DTE file, perform the following steps: