Receipt of External DTE

Receipt of External DTE

Through this application it is possible to import, delete and display to the server the XML files of the DTE of the invoices received from third parties, allowing to generate and send the Acknowledgement of Receipt to the suppliers. 
The initial screen shows the following sections:
Select Files: allows the import of electronic documents (XML DTE) from the computer or workstation to the Novohit system. 
Import to Respond to Electronic Documents Received from Suppliers: the imported electronic documents (XML DTE) are displayed, allowing to build the response, delete or view. 
 When the XML DTE reply has already been made but not sent to the supplier, it can be consulted and sent in Control of DTE Received. 

Import DTE XML Files

To execute the process of importing the information from the XML DTE file from third parties, perform the following steps:
Go to: Administration (Back Office) → General Accounting → Fiscal Reports → Receipt of External DTE.
 To import the XML DTE file to the Novohit server can be done:
Calling the XML DTE file(s) through the directory:
Press the Add Files button in the Select Files section, displaying a computer window where the XML file or folder containing the third-party DTE information will be selected. Only files with XML extension can be imported.
Click on the file(s) to be imported into Novohit, press the Open button.

Dragging the XML DTE file(s):
Select the file(s) to import into Novohit, and drag them to the Select Files window under "Drag Files here". Only files with XML extension can be imported. 

Once the files are displayed in the Select Files section:
To import, click the Start Upload button importing them to the Novohit server, or 
Click the Delete button in the Select Files section displayed to the right of the XML file to be deleted.

In the section Import to Respond to Electronic Documents Received from Suppliers, the imported XML DTEs will be displayed.  

Generate and Send Acknowledgement of DTE Receipts of XML to Third Parties 

To execute the process of generating and sending the Acknowledgement of Receipt of the XML DTE file, perform the following steps: 
Calling the XML DTE file(s) through the directory:
Press the
Add Files button in the Select Files section, displaying a computer window where the XML file or folder containing the third party DTE information will be selected. Only files with XML extension can be imported.
Click on the file(s) to be imported into Novohit, press the
Open button.
Dragging the XML DTE file(s):
Select the file(s) to import into Novohit, and drag them to the Select Files window under "Drag Files here". Only files with XML extension can be imported.
Once the files are displayed in the Select Files section, click on the Start Upload button importing them to the server.
In the Import section to Reply to Electronic Documents Received from Suppliers, click on the checkbox of the XML DTE file(s) to generate and send the Acknowledgement of Receipt. 
Click on the Build Response button. 

The Send Response window will be displayed showing the Electronic Documents Received section with the following information from the DTE XML file: 
Sending RUT
Displays the supplier's RUT.
Receiving Company
Name of the company to which the DTE was issued.
Date Sent 
Date of DTE.
Date Received
Date Received
File Received
XML of the DTE to which the acknowledgement of receipt was generated, by clicking on it, you can open or save it as you prefer. 
File Status
Displays the status of DTE received.
Type of document of DTE.
Folio DTE
Number of DTE.
Amount of DTE.
Status of DTE
Displays the status of the DTE.
Response File
XML of the generated acknowledgement of receipt, by clicking on it, you can open or save it as you prefer.
Send Response
Enter the e-mail address to whom the acknowledgement of receipt will be sent. 
Response Sent
Indicates whether the acknowledgement was sent.
In the Send Reply column, enter the e-mail address to which the acknowledgement will be sent in the blank field and then click on the check box. 
Press the Send Reply button. The e-mail that is sent contains: 
The subject of the e-mail is composed of the RUT of the sender and the RUT of the receiver, e.g. "DTE received Sender: 00000000-0 Receiver: 11111111-1". 
The notification of receipt of the electronic document. 
XML file of the response. 
Sending status: Sent Received Conforming. 
DTE Status: XX-XXXX, DTE received Ok.
Press the Back button to return to the application.

The following situations may occur:
That the imported XML DTE already has the Acknowledgement of Receipt generated, showing the following message "File was already answered previously" in the section Import to Answer Electronic DTEs Received from Suppliers, to verify it access in Control of DTE Received.
If for any reason the acknowledgement of receipt is not sent, enter in Control of DTE Received to send it.

Delete XML Files

To remove or delete one or more DTE XML files imported to the Novohit server, perform the following steps:
Go to Administration (Back Office) → General Accounting → Fiscal Reports → External DTE Reception.
To delete the XML file when uploading to the Novohit server, click on the red button in the Select Files section displayed to the right of the XML file to be deleted. 

To delete the XML DTE file on the Novohit server, in the section Import to Reply to Electronic Documents Received from Suppliers click on the checkbox of the XML DTE file(s) to be deleted and press the Delete button. 

View XML Files

To view one or more XML files imported to the Novohit server, perform the following steps:

Go to Administration (Back Office) → General Accounting → Fiscal Reports → External DTE Reception.
In the Import to Respond section of the Electronic DTEs Received from Suppliers, click on the checkbox of the XML DTE file(s) you wish to preview.
Click on the Preview button.
They will be displayed in a new window, to view the XML DTE information scroll with the horizontal and vertical navigation columns. When two or more are displayed, click on the Expand Source box to display the information.
Click the X icon at the top right of the top window to return to the application.

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