Register Agencies or Companies with Agreement

Register Agencies or Companies with Agreement

This application is used to search, register or modify the Agencies or Companies with which the hotel has commercial rate agreements. Before you can register rates, you must register the agency or company to which the rates of the agreement will be charged.
To search, modify or register an agency or company you must enter in: Front Office → Sales → Register Agencies or Companies with Agreement

Search for Agencies or Companies with Agreement:

To perform the search, two sections will be displayed:
  1. Search for Agencies or Companies with Agreements: This section allows you to search by Agency or Company Name, by Tax ID (RUT / RFC), by Segment and by Currency.
  2. Agencies or Companies with Agreements: The list of all the Agencies or Companies with Agreement is shown in alphabetical order.

Register Agencies or Companies with Agreements

To insert a new record, click on the Insert icon shown at the bottom of the previous image in green color, the fields that will be displayed in the following image are
detailed below:

Name of Field
Agency or Company
Enter the name of the agency or company to be registered.
Tip Synchronization with Siteminder and/or HotelRSV:
We suggest that in Novohit the agency for HotelRSV be named HOTELRSV USD (i.e. the name "HOTELRSV" followed by the rate currency). While the agencies for Siteminder we suggest that they carry the name of the Channel, followed by the rate currency.

Remote Agency Code
This field is used to connect to HotelRSV. Here you must select the corresponding HotelRSV Agency.
If you are going to use the synchronization between HotelRSV and Novohit, you must request through a ticket for our Staff to make this same link on

By checking this box you are deactivating the registration, it is used when an Agency or Company that no longer works with the hotel can be deactivated to prevent the data of this agency or company from appearing in Reservations and Reception.
Internet Network
This checkbox should only be checked to connect to proprietary Internet channels such as the booking engine for the hotel website (HotelRSV Booking Engine is required) or to connect to OTAS via SiteMinder™ Channel Manager (SiteMinder™ service and Novohit Channel Manager license required).
Walkin Default

  1. Check this box to make the Agency or Company available in the Reservations and Front Desk modules.
  2. Walkin Default: check this box to determine what will be the default rate for the hotel, only one rate should be selected (the hotel's main rate - Rack, Public, Direct).
Tax ID
You must enter the RFC in the case of Mexico or the RUT in the case of Chile.
Write the line of business of the Agency or Company to which it belongs.
Company Name
This is the name of the Company's registration with the tax authorities (SAT for Mexico, SII for Chile).
Type of Rate
You must select from the drop-down list the Type of Rate of application of charge per night/rent to be used when configuring Seasons (does not apply to Packages), there are three options:
  1. Per Room: indicates that the rates to be charged for this Agency or Company will be charged per Room Type.
  2. Per Person: Indicates that the rates that will be charged for this Agency or Company will be charged per person.
  3. By Both: It will allow to use the two previous options simultaneously allowing to sell rates per Room and per Person.

The fields below Tax/Fees at Agency level only apply to bookings synchronized with Siteminder or HotelRSV.

Tax/Fees: this checkbox tells the system whether the rates for this agency or channel will be subject to the taxes defined in the system.
  1. Enabled: the system will assume that Siteminder or HotelRSV booking rates captured for this agency will apply taxes and will apply the logic defined in the Included and % fields.
  2. Disabled: the system will assume that Siteminder or HotelRSV booking rates are not taxed. Check with your accounting advisor as most countries apply some form of tax on stay rates.
Included: this checkbox tells the system that the rate charged for this agency or channel for Siteminder or HotelRSV bookings already includes the Tax(es).
  1. On: the system will assume that the rates captured for this agency include taxes, so the amount captured in the rates at the time of synchronization with Siteminder, or HotelRSV synchronization, the system will assume that the tax percentage is that loaded in the % box and will automatically deduct the tax percentage defined in the % box at the time of check-out if the Tax/Rates box is active.
  2. Disabled: the system will assume that the rates captured for this agency apply taxes but these are not included in the rates charged, at the moment of synchronization with Siteminder, or the HotelRSV synchronization; so the amount captured is assumed net and it will add the tax percentage defined in the % box at the moment of check-out if the Tax/Rates box is active.
% (Percentage): in this box you must indicate the percentage of the tax that will be applied to the rates at the moment of synchronization with Siteminder, or HotelRSV synchronization.
When a reservation arrives from Siteminder to Novohit, the latter performs a mapping between the field arriving from Siteminder following the logic below:
  1. Take the field coming from SiteMinder, this field can be either AmountBeforeTax (amount before tax) or AmountAfterTax (amount after tax).
  2. Check the tax settings of the destination Agency in Novohit.
  3. Calculate whether to add the taxes, break them down or do nothing on the rate before entering the booking.
For example, if the agency is set to Taxes in Rates and are Inclusive (i.e., the rate is tax inclusive) and the value coming into Novohit is AmountBeforeTax, the algorithm logically concludes to add taxes to the incoming rate to maintain coordination and matching, generating a disparity between the Siteminder value and the Novohit value. 

When a reservation arrives from HotelRSV to Novohit, the latter performs a mapping or automatic conversion of rates following the logic below:
  1. Take the values from HotelRSV which can be before tax or after tax.
  2. Check the tax settings of the destination agency in Novohit.
  3. Calculate whether to add taxes, break them down or do nothing on the rate before entering the booking.
For example, if the agency is configured as Taxes in Rates and are Inclusive (i.e., the rate has taxes included) and the value arriving at Novohit is Without Taxes, the algorithm logically concludes that it must add taxes to the arriving rate to maintain coordination and matching, generating a difference between the value in Siteminder and the value in Novohit.
It must be verified that the handling of taxes is the same in Novohit as in SiteMinder and HotelRSV.
Example: if in SiteMinder the rate is tax inclusive in Novohit it should also be so. Otherwise, when the reservations arrive there may be differences in values.
If an agency will not carry Taxes on the rates or they are not included in the rate, then it is recommended to deactivate the tax checkbox(es), not to place the value 0, as this may generate confusion and inconsistency ("0 taxes included").

Select from the drop-down list the segment that corresponds to the Agency or Company you are registering.
Select the type of currency that was included in the fare agreement. If the agreement includes more than one type of currency, for example, Pesos and Dollars, then you must create a new record (new Agency) for each type of currency.
Currency Type
This type of currency is the one that Novohit will use to make the Rent charges in the guest's account, when it is a foreign currency it will use the exchange rate defined in the system.
The currency of the equivalent agency in Novohit is used and the rate amounts are converted to this currency type if the currency types in the booking are different.
When making this registration, you must verify that the agencies have the same type of currency as SiteMinder.

Enter the address of the Agency or Company you are registering.
Enter the name of the city where the company is located or where it is invoiced.
State / County
Enter the name of the state or municipality where the city of the Agency or Company is located.
Indicate the country of the Agency or Company.
Enter a phone number of your sales contact at this Agency or Company.
Enter a fax number for your sales contact at this Agency or Company.
Enter the email address of your sales contact at this Agency or Company.
Web Site
Enter the web page (URL) of your sales contact at this Agency or Company.
Enter the name of your sales contact at this Agency or Company.
% Commission
This field is used to indicate the commission percentage that the sales executive assigned to this account can obtain.
Sales Representative
Select from the drop-down list the name of the salesperson assigned to this account. In order for the vendor to appear in this list, the employee must be registered in the Officers and Employees Catalog, which can be done by your administration staff.
Sales executives are registered by the administration area in the Officers and Employees module.

Saves changes made in any field.
Delete any changes made and close the log.

Modify an Agency or Company Registered

When you need to modify an existing record, you must find the company to be modified and select the Pencil icon.
The record will open in the form described above and you will be able to modify any of the fields mentioned.
When you have finished editing the record you should click the Add button at the bottom.
Fields with asterisks
All fields containing an asterisk (*) are required fields.
It is recommended that you enter data in all fields, this will help you keep all sales contact information in the system, information that may be useful for other management.
At the end of the registration of the agency or company with an agreement, the corresponding seasons must be created in order to charge the rates.
Connection with SiteMinder
To associate agencies with OTAS you should continue in the section Connecting Novohit with SiteMinder Channel Manager.
Connection with HotelRSV
To ensure that the two-way synchronization between Novohit PMS and HotelRSV IBE works correctly, see Synchronization between HotelRSV and Novohit PMS.

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