Folios of Various Check Out

Folios of Various Check Out

The Folios of Various are used to manage an account that is not associated to any room but must be controlled and possibly invoiced in the Front Office area. 
The checkout of Folios of Various can be done with:
  1. Invoicing issuing: 
    1. Fiscal Document
    2. Non-Fiscal Document
    3. Link with invoicing procedure
      1. Chile
      2. México
  2. Cancel one of several folios: you must checkout in amount "0":
Go to Front Office → Reception Cashier → Account Management
In the window Select Folios of Various click on  the folio of several to checkout, if it has:
  1. Balance in favor, apply the corresponding refund.
  2. Pending balance to carry out:
    1. Payment application:
      1. In the FOLIOS window click on the payment column.
      2. Enter the following information:
        1. Field                   Description
        2. Amount              Amount of Outstanding Balance
        3. Voucher              Enter the transaction number or comment
      3. Click on the Accept button

      4. In the Payment Method window enter the amount in the appropriate form of payment.
      5. Click the Save button.

    2. Cancel Invoicing Concepts:
      1. In the Invoicing Concepts window click on  the SEL column of the Invoicing Concept to Cancel/Adjust to zero.
      2. Enter the following information:
        1. Field                 Description
        2. Amount            Amount of the balance to be adjusted or reversed with the negative sign (-)
        3. Description      Enter comments or observations
      3. Click on the Accept button.

  3. In the FOLIOS window click on  the INVOICE column.

  4. ¤ The window ROOM WITHOUT BALANCE will open, click on the button Checkout without Invoice.

¤In the Reprint of Invoice application in the window ACCOUNTS ISSUED the checkout of the Folio of Various will be shown.
You should only use the application buttons to continue or abandon the checkout process, using any other option such as selecting a different option in the menu may generate inconsistencies in the account.

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