Installation Guide hotelrsv.js
hotelRSV is a 100% web application created with HTML, JS, CSS that can be installed quickly on any page without programming knowledge. You can install it on any CMS (Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress, Wix, SquareSpace), or on any PHP, HTML, Ruby infrastructure. The Wordpress plugin is also available.
This manual is written for the Web Master: the person or agency that designs, manages, administers or is in charge of the hotel's Web site.
If you are in charge of integrating or programming the hotelRSV engine on the website, we suggest you familiarize yourself with all the features offered by hotelRSV in our
Quick Start Guide.Quick Start
General Description
Novohit's hotelrsv.js library for hotelRSV Reservations facilitates installation and integration of all hotelRSV products on the site.
hotelRSV is activated through the following channels or action items:
Booking buttons or links (Action Items).
Automatic Mobile Redirector (Automatic redirection to Web App Mobile).
Integration with TripConnect from Tripadvisor
Integration with One-Click Launcher for site links from Google, Bing and Yahoo!
Necessary Requirements
| Status
| Description
DOCTYPE | Required | HTML, XML, XHTML files must have a type declaration, this declaration must be the first line of our document and is necessary to tell the browser which version of HTML is used in the page (see documentation).
This is standard on all modern Web pages. |
Installation or Updating a hotel Web Site Pages
For the integration of the booking library on any page where you want to allow your customers to make reservations, for example the Home Page, the following code must be included before the closing </head> or closing </footer> tag:
COLOCAR_CODIGO_DE_LICENCIA_AQUI | It is an alphanumeric identifier, the Novohit Support staff will provide you with this value per-ticket. | - <script> var hotelrsv_id_h = 101; </script>
DOMINIO_DE_SU_PAGINA_SIN_HTTPS_NI_WWW_NI_DIRECTORIOS | The main domain of your Web site, without protocol (without https://) and without subdomains (without www. or other subdomains) and without directories (without /home or /hotel). Important, you must leave *
| - _paq.push(["setDomains", ["*","*"]]);
CODIGO_UNICO_DE_SU_SITIO | Numeric identifier of the website for analytics. Novohit Support staff will provide this value per-ticket. | - _paq.push(["setSiteId", 96]);
Code hotelrsv.js
- <head> <!-- no copiar esta linea, es sólo de referencia -->
- <!-- otro código en el <head> -->
- <!-- HOTELRSV code - place before end of head or end of footer - copiar a partir de aqui y substituir los valores correspondientes -->
- <script> var hotelrsv_id_h = COLOCAR_CODIGO_DE_LICENCIA_AQUI; </script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var _paq = _paq || [];
- var crossDomainQueryParam;
- _paq.push(["setSecureCookie", true]);
- _paq.push(["setDomains", ["*.DOMINIO_DE_SU_PAGINA_SIN_HTTPS_NI_WWW_NI_DIRECTORIOS","*"]]);
- _paq.push(["enableCrossDomainLinking"]);
- _paq.push(["setCookieSameSite", "None"]);
- _paq.push([ function() { crossDomainQueryParam = this.getCrossDomainLinkingUrlParameter(); }]);
- _paq.push(["setCampaignNameKey", ["lead_src", "promo_code", "pk_cpn", "pk_campaign", "mtm_campaign", "piwik_campaign", "matomo_campaign", "utm_campaign", "utm_source", "utm_medium"]]);
- _paq.push(["setCampaignKeywordKey", ["promo_code", "pk_kwd", "mtm_kwd", "piwik_kwd", "matomo_kwd", "utm_term"]]);
- _paq.push(["trackPageView"]);
- _paq.push(["enableLinkTracking"]);
- (function() {
- var u=(("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https" : "http") + "://";
- _paq.push(["setTrackerUrl", u+"matomo.php"]);
- _paq.push(["setSiteId", CODIGO_UNICO_DE_SU_SITIO]);
- var d=document, g=d.createElement("script"), s=d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; g.type="text/javascript";
- g.defer=true; g.async=true; g.src=u+"matomo.js"; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);
- var d=document, g=d.createElement("script"), s=d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
- })();
- </script>
- <noscript><p><img referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade" src="" style="border:0;" alt="" /></p></noscript>
- <!-- END HOTELRSV code -->
- </head><!-- no copiar esta linea, es sólo de referencia -->
First put the license code and page identifier, then the hotelrsv.min.js script.
Upon activation of your License Agreement, our team will communicate your License Code and Page ID to you. With our Analytics platform you will have access to metrics and statistics of your visitors and how they behave within the booking page. This data is important in the short term because it helps you to accurately determine the behavior of your customers and potential guests and you can only get it with Our analytics platform is similar to Google Analytics, and in fact both can coexist WITHOUT CONFLICT, but with ours you will have access to more data because it is 100% integrated with hotelRSV. Request via ticket your access to our analytics platform.
Booking Links
Technical Details
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