Reprinting of Invoices

Reprinting of Invoices

In this application you can perform the following actions to issue invoices on the current day or on past dates:
  1. Consult or Print: Account Statement, PDF File, XML File.
  2. Reprint Information: When reprinting an invoice you can modify its billing data, however, the total and the breakdown of the invoice will remain the same.
  3. Cancel a CFDI or DTE from previous days: The CFDI or DTE is cancelled without issuing a new one or, if you want a Credit Note, Debit Note Front Office (PMS) - DTE Chile see this guide.
  4. Check the Change Log of the record: you will be able to review all transactions on the record since check-in.
When you log in, you will see the following windows on the screen:
Filter by window with the following parameters:
Guest's Last Name.
Invoice NVH
Folio NVH
Invoiced to.
Register Tax Invoice
Invoice Date.Issued Accounts window, shows the invoices that meet the search parameters. Invoices showing the Pencil Icon can be selected. Invoices showing a Cross Icon are voided and cannot be selected.
Select an invoice and you will see in the Breakdown section the account information and payment method; you will have the option to modify the invoice data or enter new data.

Consult or Print Issued Documents

Go to Front Office → Reception Cashier → Reprinting of Invoices

In the Issued Accounts window, the documents of the current day are displayed.
Enter the date of issue of the invoice to be consulted in the Filter By window in the Invoice Date field.
Click on the Search button.
In the Issued Accounts window, click on the Re-print Invoice icon of the room for which you want to query documents.
In the Account Detail window, the following buttons will be displayed:
Account Statement: The Statement of Account is issued with the list of movements of the stay.
Generate Electronic Document: The corresponding DTE is issued.
PDF File: Displays the PDF of the CFDI or DTE. It can be saved or printed.
XML File: Displays a window where you can view or save the XML of the CFDI or DTE.
Click on the desired button to print the document.

Reprinting Issued Documents

Go to Front Office → Reception Cashier → Reprinting of Invoices and follow the steps below:

Enter the issue date of the document to be printed, in the Filter by window in the Invoice Date field.
Click on the Search button.
In the Issued Accounts window click on the Re-Print Invoice: icon of the room for which you want to perform the document query.
In the Account Detail window enter or modify the following fields:

Reprint Information
Choose one of the following buttons:
  1. Modify: If you need to modify any of the customer's billing data such as company name, address, city, etc. Or you want to replace the company name to be invoiced.
  2. New: To enter a customer that is not already captured in the system.
Email to Send
Enter the e-mail address to which the new PDF and XML files will be sent.

Click on the Generate Electronic Document button.
A window will be displayed to confirm the reprint with the message "Do you want to generate the new document? "
Click the OK button to finalize the reprint, displaying the PDF and canceling the previous document.

Consult Front Office Change Log

By clicking on the icon  in the Account Detail section in the Room / Folio row:

A window will open showing all the changes to that record:

Cancellation of CFDi or DTE Issued

Depending on your Fiscal location, see the appropriate supplemental reference guide:

Reprinting of Invoices Mexico - Issue Credit Note with CFDi in Front Office

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